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Lousy anti-free-thought Moderators


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A large portion of the "Jewish" population is originally Turkish, from when a fairly big Turkish leader (can't remember the name) converted.


As for them once owning the land? Ha. Hahahaha.


Supposedly (at least according to the Law, Prophets, and Writings) they took it by conquest, and then lost it. I'd say it's pretty fair to say that after 2000 years, a group that identifies itself with an ancient group (because after 2000 years, there are GREAT changes, and by that time ownership really doesn't matter.) doesn't deserve the land.


I agree there was a great deal of anti-semitism at times, however saying that people all think of them as one entity is a tad much. It's not like there is much persecution of them in western nations now.


Might as well argue to give a country to atheists. I doubt that would fly in the least. In my opinion they do not deserve the land.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am pro Israel. They didn't attack every one the day they moved in, they came and bled for their land, maybe it wasn't theirs for a long long time, but neither was America you don't see us handing it back to the Native Americans? In America a diffrent thing happens when a new group moves in, we merge. It seems to me in the middle east the main effect is to murder. I wont say either side is right or wrong. Is Israel crazy? If they where anything but they wouldn't be here today, they where attacked by just about every other middle eastern nation and they handed them their ass. They are crazy because they feel that funny need to survive.

IMHO: Israel is just playing mini-imperialism.

The Arab nations saw the arrival of the a Western jumpboard into their region, as is their wont.



Personally I find Israel has ironically became the very 3rd-reich it espaced from.

Funny, how the oppressed eventually ape the oppressor.



They should know when they are backing a loser.


I see them all as madmen, but Israel is the protagonist of the situation.

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I havent read the debate, just the first post on the second page. Yes, I am lazy. All I am going to say until I know what the debate is about is saying what I know abut the Isreali-Palestinian land dispute. And dont call me anti-semetic here, because I am a Jew.


In biblical times, God told Moses to lead his people (the Jews) to the promise land. The Jews found the Promised land, and lived there for quite a while. They were a bit surprised to find out that the Palestinians were also living in the promised land. Over time Palistinain-Israeli relations broke down, andthe Israelites took Palestine for themselves. They lived there for X-amount of years, and slowly migrated around the world. The Palestinian and other Arab nations moved back to the 'promised land'.


After WWII, the Jewish population fled back to the so called 'promised land', much to the dismay of the Arab people living there. The Jews bought much of the land, and formed it into the nation of Israel. That is how the current conflict broke out, and the rest we should all know.


I have absolutely no idea if this has anything to do with the main debate, but It took a long time to type down so at least read it. ;)

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At the risk of being accused of being a lousy anti free thought moderator as well as mean and all the other things we get called, this thread is in such a muddle even I can't work out what it is meant to be about. I'm locking it. Can any debate on the Israeli 'right' to Palastine or whatever we think this is about be started as a new thread if it must.
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