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Help with Ultimate Mod List for Oblivion


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Hi again everyone.


So I went through the fabulous process of uninstalling Mod Organizer and reinstalling everything through Wrye Bash. My install package order needs to be adjusted especially in terms of overriding textures. My caves/dungeons have suddenly gotten much darker than when I was using MO to install. And for some reason installing pHUD was a pain in the ass this time and wasn't working correctly. I still don't have fists icon appear in weapon slot where it should be... Also I had to change settings a few times to set FOV to 90.


Currently the game is running OOO + MOO + Better Cities + Unique Landscapes + Vanilla Combat Enhanced w/ Deadly Reflex 5 and Balanced Magic + Sneak Detection Calibrated + Better Dungeons/Snu's Dungeons + a bunch of villages and immersion mods. It feels complete wouldn't you say? Lol. But the FPS sucks. Hence why I'm not using RAEVWD.


On the bright side, the game isn't crashing. But like I said, I'm getting horrible performance. Maybe even worse than I was before using MO and this is after optimizing the entire mesh folder after installing with Wrye Bash. I don't think it's a textures issue since a single 970 should be able to handle whatever Oblivion can through at it?


I really need to figure it out. It sucks because I feel like I've edited things down. I could get rid of a few more ESPs like Ravens & Seagulls? Doesn't OOO or MOO add flying birds? Or SOC-Wildlife Variety? What is causing FPS drop? Is it really having so many major mods like BC and UL? Is DR5 and Vanilla Combat Enhanced ok to use?


If you could look at load order + installed packages and tell me what I can get rid of, it would be appreciated. Thanks!


Load Order:



Installed Packages:



More info at BethSoft forums:


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My mod setup isnt as heavy as yours but i have a 970 and it crushes the game. Im using all the large textures and better cities and unique landscapes.


I admire the people who can run 200 or more mods in skyrim or oblivion or any other game but its just too much hassle to get working right. I prefer more simple setups with select well done must have mods.


You might have just reached engine limitations not hardware limitations.

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Update: I disabled a lot of mods and streamlined the load order. Then I optimized all the meshes and BSAs. I thought I had it. I really did. And then...


Using a variety of village additions like AFK and MTC with all the compatibility patches. I'm getting a crash in Weye North when approaching signposts at fork in road coming from IC or simply wandering around. Only when I deactivate MTC does the crash go away. It's very frustrating since I thought I got to a point of finalizing mods after 3 weeks lol. Does anyone know how to fix? I would really like to keep both and I've seen other people use together. Please help!

Here's current load order: http://pastebin.com/pTUDsNrs
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I think I'm almost there.


Load Order: http://pastebin.com/3ZMUWKmA


Getting random CTDs however. Not sure if mod related or game engine or what.




Still sometimes getting a crash at the fork in road outside of Weye. I decided to disable AFK Weye + Revive Rumare which sucks because when the game did load, having RR + AFK + MTC around Weye was just amazing. I am not sure if they were causing crash or if the CTD is a VRAM issue. FPS is actually running great but the game will just all of the sudden crash. I actually turned off replaceHeap and moreHeap because I hear that lends to instability. Starting to wonder if I've exceeded limitations of game engine. This is even after optimizing meshes and textures.


Here's a screenshot: http://imgur.com/KGig2u0


So yeah a few bugs have happened...


- CTD looting arrows from dead NPCs. No idea why or how this happened or what mod is causing it. I really need a fix very very very bad. Anyone know? I disabled OBSE and I could loot the arrows. Does anyone know what OBSE plugin could be interfering?


- At one point, I walked up Kvatch Oblivion Gate and got popup saying I completed Siege of Kvatch and closed the gate before I even had a chance to enter it. Reloading fixed the problem.


- Caminalda at Brina Cross Inn for Mages Guild quest. She's the rogue mage who is supposed to attack you after you leave the inn. She reacts to my player and goes through her dialogue but doesn't attack. She casts a buff spell and then just stands there. This is supposed to be fixed by UOP. I am not sure how to get script to work properly.


- Killed a bandit and he literally floated away into the air. Using Realistic Physics should solve that but it didn't.


- Twice certain things haven't loaded correctly. For instance, a courier on his horse was invisible except for the torch he was holding. Or a weapon appearing with black textures even though it was pointed to right file path. Reloading game fixed this.


- Player FOV settings in SDR ini are wonky and interferes with OR. I've tried turning both off/on but seems to be hardwired into the mod. Hoping v9 beta will be released sometime soon which fixes this overlap.


- Torches don't emit light when dropped to ground but you can still see the fire from far away.


I'm sure there's going to be more. If you know how to fix any of the above, please let me know. Will report back later after some more stress tests. Thanks!

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I think the problem might be OOO with game crash. No way I think. Lemme try a few different load variations.

Ok. I'm not kidding you. After turning on/off mods, I've found that the latest version of OR is causing my game to crash when I try to pick up vanilla arrows from a dead NPC generated from OOO. Reverting back to a previous version of OR fixed it for me. I have no idea why or how. I didn't even think OR touched that area of the game. Any thoughts?
HAHAHAHAA. Ok ok this is so weird and hilarious but I can now walk through AFK Weye + MTC + RR without crash using an older version of Oblivion Reloaded. Going to continue testing.
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Gotten pretty exhausted from this process of getting all these mods to work together.


Unfortunately I've spent all day trying to get Chorrol Hinterlands to work with BC v6. Using the following version which is supposed to fix issue: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/11189


Having a persistent crash outside of south Chorrol gate near the stables. Every time this mod is activated. When I deactivate everything works fine. I've tried different variations of load order. Before after with without Bash etc etc


Is there any way to get this to work properly?


Load Order: http://pastebin.com/NjdsvBED


Update: The mod works. There's something in my load order that is causing this area to crash. I'm not sure what it is http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/frown.gif


When I load JUST Better Cities + UL Chorrol Hinterland, I have no problems. And it shouldn't be a hardware problem if I can run AFK Weye + MTC + RR, right?


Now I have to enable/disable a bunch of stuff to see what is causing this...


Update 2: Annnnnnddddddddd great. I am not sure what is causing this but the game only crashes when BC + ULChorrol version + Bashed Patch. When I deactivate Bashed patch, it works but when I have it activated it crashes. When I bring bashed patch above BC in load order, it still crashes. I am not sure what to do. Going to keep working at it but if anyone has any idea, please share!


Update 3: Yup. Looks like it's the bashed patch. What could be causing it to crash the game? I am rebuilding it and testing without cells from BC imported and see if that works.


Didn't work.


So! I have no idea what's causing this. Should I try and open in Tes4edit or Construction Set? Or should I just say **** it and disable the whole area?


Update 4: I moved xulChorrolHinterland-BC6 below the Oblivifall BC patch then bashed. I then upped heapsize in moreHeap to 1000. Omg it seems to work. Testing a few more times. Wish me luck!
Update 5: Hopefully last update before I can start testing other parts of the game. So I enabled moreHeap to 1000. I got past the location that caused me to crash. I enter Chorrol, sell some items, come back out and get another CTD in the bad location. So I dug around and enabled OSR's heapsize to 1000 as well based on this: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1505456-more-heap-vs-oblivion-stutter-remover-heap/
Skyranger Shademe's heap is windows heap and OSR's heap is bethsoft Oblivion's heap
I don't want to get my hopes up but it seems to have done the trick enabling both. Hopefully I can move past Level 1 this time. Will let you know.
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Ok. Everyone says the Chorrol UL x Better Cities compatibility mod should work. It does. But it also crashes my game at a specific place no matter what and I don't know what to do. I mean, I'll have a stable 30 FPS and everything running smooth and then BAM! CTD :sad:


So I gave up and installed weOCPS again. I know that people say it shouldn't be used, but it's the only way I could get past one point outside of Chorrol South Gate without instant CTD. It works. After 3 weeks I can finally enjoy the game a little bit. I'm almost afraid to invest myself to an entire play through out of fear of crashing.


Can someone explain why weOCPS shouldn't be used? Something about screwing up your game when using fast travel? Or was it save on fast travel? Please let me know.


I also upgraded SDR v7 to SDR v9 alpha. Probably a lot of bugs to be worked out but way more performance friendly. Gained at least 10 FPS in exterior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Update: Hahahahaha lkdfasjfkljsdaf


Game still crashed at that very specific location on my way back to Chorrol South Gate across from stables. This isn't supposed to happen. What is the cause of this? A mod? Is there some way I can find cell location of specific location and edit in TES4Edit or CS or something I can do?

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I'm determined to make this work. I sdt'd problem area and got -16,21. When I opened the xulChorrolHinterland-BC6 in TES Construction Set Extender, I got the following message:
"Pathgrid for cell ChorrolStables01 (-17,21) in world Tamriel contains 345 inter-grid connections."
I decided to investigate so I opened up -17,21 and got the following message:
"Animation group note problem. See EditorWarnings.txt"
Then a bunch of pop-ups occurred and I clicked "Yes To All". I couldn't find EditorWarnings.txt after I closed Construction Set.
What does it mean? Going out on a limb here but maybe this is trying to say the compatibility mod for UL Chorrol x Better Cities could be causing my CTD?
Update: Vorians mentioned on another board that there might be something wrong with my Bashed Patch since it ONLY crashes when Bashed is ENABLED. Yes that's right. The mod works as long as I don't activate my Bashed Patch. When I don't activate Bashed Patch, I can hop skip and jump all the way from Odiil Farm to Chorrol South Gate no problem. How hilarious is that?


So what is in my Bashed Patch that could cause CTD? I tagged UL x BC mod with NoMerge and it still crashed. I disabled import cells on all Better Cities mods and it still crashed. I tried to delete specific worldspace records in Bashed. I am stuck right now but not going to give up. If you have any feedback, please provide. Thanks for your time everyone!

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Opened up my Bashed Patch in TES4Edit. Here's what I saw under World space:



I deleted everything that started with Chorrol. Started a new game, coc'ed to North Country Stables, walked towards Chorrol South Gate, turned around to walk back to Weynon Priory, turned around, went back. It seems to have stabilized. Any thoughts as to why?


Current load order:



Is there anything I need to update/disable/whatever? Please let me know before I invest more time lol

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As for the issues with Unique Landscapes and Better Cities, I have no idea, but something that has worked for me has been to not use either. Not sure if that makes any sense, but I can live with the vanilla cities and less interesting landscapes. I do have Open Cities Reborn, though.


There should be the option for an unlimited death reload time when rebuilding your Bashed Patch, so that might be a chance to free an esp slot. Not sure what the looting mechanics mod does, but Enhanced Economy, for example, has the option to reduce the amount of loot. That is a lot of content, a lot of which I have never used, and if you get it working, that is just great! :thumbsup:


I did see the question about the real-time interactions script in the other thread, but to find the issue, one would need to open the mod in CSE, then work on from there, seeing if it compiles, then placing debug messages to track variables and such, loading it in the game each time to see what is going on with the variables, the changing things as necessary. It would take time, which at least I do not have at the moment. :sad:

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