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Help with Ultimate Mod List for Oblivion


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Hi Contrathetix! Thanks for your feedback.


Idk that unlimited death reload time was featured in Bashed. I will try that.


I might add another mod or two but it really boils down to the problem with UL x BC Chorrol area. Consistent crash.


I was told to delete a certain part of Bashed Patch. Thought it worked. Tried a few times. Well. I still crashed.


I realized OSR heapsize would sometimes prevent game from loading. Idk why. So I started playing with OSR ini settings.


Then I forgot about good ol' ENBoost. Well, I uninstalled ENB and tried ENBoost and guess what? It worked.


So this isn't an issue with mod or mod conflicts or load order or anything. It's a limitation of the game.


What's strange is that I can load up the same mod in the same area w/ ENB without Bashed Patch and the game runs fine. As soon as I throw in Bashed Patch w/ ENB, it's game over. Only when using ENBoost does this work.


Now my problem is the fact that Oblivion Reloaded is no match for ENB DoF/coloring/etc which ENBoost does not have.


Any solutions?


Or does anyone know how to get OR to look ENB quality? Please don't tell me to ask Boris.


Update: Nah, still crashing no matter what I do. [censored] it. Is it time to uninstall UL x BC Chorrol landscape?

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You could play around with the shader inis from Oblivion Reloaded. For example the first image (the main one) on OR page has been taken with OR only, with no ENB. I am still not sure how to achieve that, exactly, but you can always try tweaking the shader inis. That might be a good place to start. Lots of variables there, maybe you could make it look a bit closer to your preferred somehow. I did try ENB for visuals once, but OR was just more straighforward, more FPS-friendly and more subtle with the effects.

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Cool. I uninstalled all the mods. Went back to vanilla. Started new character and coc'd to Chorrol. No crash.


Started slowly building up mods in phases. Got past installation of BC x UL x OOO x MOO, coc'd to Chorrol, no crash. Proceeded with phase 2 of mod installation. When I got to phase 3, the game started to crash in the same area. I thought I had identified what was causing CTD. Initially I thought it seemed to be a quest mod. So I didn't enable that mod and progressed around it. Thought it worked. Crash again. So I uninstalled and went back to phase 2 which had no crash. Well phase 2 crashed and then phase 1 crashed and I'm sitting there like wtf I'm going to die trying to mod this game. And then I remembered some super cool textures I downloaded. So I disabled all of those except for QTP3. And I'm still crashing. I've crashed so much I'm crying into my pillow at night.


It's just crazy. I've played this damn game before on a crappy iMac running Windows on Boot Camp with plenty of mods. More mods than I'm currently trying to use. I love this game. Sure it would crash then but not like this. It was because FCOM would spawn so many enemies attacking me that my game would overload. See that I can understand. But this crash... No clue what is going on. I'm running 40-50 FPS just minding my own business outside of Chorrol between Weynon Priory, the stables and the south gate. It's so damn specific that it feels like it should be a problem that can be fixed.


Further, what the hell is causing the crash? It doesn't seem like it's a mod or overload or textures or game engine. Seems more like bad luck! I have UL x BC modifying the area with a patch that works for everyone. Even if there was a massive land tear or something, why would it cause the game to crash? I am trying to understand.


I'm only using core mods that should have no issues. Sometimes it crashes sometimes it doesn't but always in the same area. I mean this isn't even the most resource intensive area of the game! Sometimes I walk through the area just fine but when I turn around and go back it crashes. I've tried with OSR without OSR with moreHeap without. You wanna know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


So yeah I'm currently trying out the variations of load order without any landscape modifications outside of BC x UL. I'm still expecting a few more crashes before I go completely bonkers.

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Maybe you have some settings in OSR that cause issues? Or MoreHeap? If you put too large of a heap size in either, that will cause issues. THen there are also other settings, especially some in the exprimental section of OSR, that seem to occasionally crash the game for me when closing up to towns. But I use Open Cities Reborn, so that might or might not be different. Have you tried with a heap size of either 512 or 768 in both OSR and MoreHeap, with the heap method set to 6 in OSR? Also with the OSR experimental things disabled (or at least the random wrappers and the other one that I cannot remember ATM)? There might be other things to test, too, but I cannot remember at the moment.


The definition of insanity is to try to run a Bethesda game with a ton of mods and expect it to be rock solid. But you can get relatively close, it just takes time. :P

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Thanks for comments. I tried everything. I'd given up.


Then I just said f*#@ it and loaded everything except BC. Well it worked. Better Cities v6 is the problem. Which sucks tremendously because it had recently become integral to my load order and play through. For instance, I use Basic Primary Needs and BC has the Let The People Drink mod integrated. Plus BC just made everything feel more alive.


But I don't want to get ahead of myself and throw out BC. Maybe it's not BC and it's something else that will never be identified. For now I'm going to try and activate everything in BC minus Chorrol and see where that takes me.

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Ok. This doesn't make sense.


Uninstalling BC Full and installing all the individual plugins seems to have fixed my issue. I made a few passes through the trouble area in 3 different trials. It seems to be working. I'm going to test again tonight and if no crashes I'm going to proceed with play through.


Now the problem is that my load order is at capacity and I can't load up 3 minor but essential mods (OR Flare, Head Bob, Land Magic). Any help? Could someone take a look and let me know what can be deactivated?


Load Order: http://pastebin.com/WgWCAn36


EDIT: Nvm. It started crashing again.


No BC = No CTD. Further, when I load area without BC, the specific place I crash brings up a "loading area" message. So I assume this is loading cells. Any thoughts?
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When I'm approaching Chorrol I ALWAYS save before I get to the top of the hill coming from Odiil farm. Why ... because I know that is a problem area, and I don't use "Better" anything (nor "Open" anything for that matter).

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Ok. So here's what I do: I start new character. Let scripts load and then coc to ChorrolNorthCountryStables. Save game. Exit stables. Walk towards Chorrol South Gate turn around and start walking towards Weynon Priory. Go around the tree in front of Weynon Priory and go back to Chorrol South Gate. Turn around and go back to Weynon. Repeat. Sometimes it will be the 1st pass, or the 2nd, or if I'm lucky the 3rd. Maybe it doesn't crash and I quit game, start a new character and try again. Then it crashes. Always the same area. It doesn't make sense that an area that isn't very resource intensive is causing this. More so, it seems the area loads but if I spend too much time in it, it crashes.


Your info that Chorrol is a problem area is frustrating. How/why/what? Never happened before. If it was such a problem area, why was it never patched? Why hasn't this happened before or happened to other people with equal or lower hardware? What the hell is going on? If it is an issue with loading cells, should I lower ugrids to 3 instead of 5? Idk.


Any thoughts?

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I have noticed this is a problem with other BC6 players. One suggests adjusting load order fixed crash but if compared to my load order posted below, don't I have everything loaded correctly?


Load Order:



Nexus Forums:


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