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Help with Ultimate Mod List for Oblivion


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There are lots of Main Quest things happening in that area ... Mythic Dawn attacking, Brother Piner getting killed, Eronor finding the player, Jauffre battling in the chapel. Even if you haven't started the Main Quest the game is going to go through all the conditions checks to see if it should do anything.


What happens if you just walk to Weynon Priory? I've always found that fast travel is a good way to get things bunched into a knot (and coc-ing isn't much different ... poof, and all of a sudden the game has to perform all of the calculations needed to suddenly put your character there).

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I can load Weynon fine. I can load the stables fine. I can even enter Chorrol.


It's when I walk around in the area between Weynon Priory and Chorrol South Gate that I CTD. It shouldn't be happening.


I'm asking Vorians from BC6 to take a look at this situation. Since it's happened to someone else there must be some minor detail that's been overlooked.

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Omg. Can't. Figure. This. Out.


Vorians doesn't know and can't help me out. Luckily it doesn't seem to be his mod or the UL compatibility mod by mhahn123.


I reverted back to vanilla for the 8th time? Idk I've lost track. But I have UL x BC6 x OOO x MOO loaded and ready. It doesn't seem to crash in Chorrol. At least I hope not. Cuz who knows... Maybe I should run around outside of Chorrol for an hour or two and see how that goes.


Building mod load order a little at a time. Then I bash. Then I load game, start new character, let any scripts load, save. Then I tgm and player.advskills athletics 100. coc to ChorrolNorthCountryStables and save. Leave stables and take a left towards Chorrol South Gate. I then turn around, hit autorun and SDR's sprint function, and head towards Weynon Priory. I go around the tree in front of Weynon Priory and turn back around to go back to Chorrol South Gate. I do this 3-5 times. If the game doesn't crash, I label as a "safe" save. I then quit. Add a mod and then a bashed patch. Start again. I have been doing this for 3 days straight.


Thought it was Guild Advancement since it had TES4Edit entries for Chorrol and Weynon Priory cells. So I deactivated. Then I crashed on the 5th leg of the trial without Guild Advancement activated. So it's funny. I think I've located the problem so I deactivate the mod I think it might be. Then it crashes again so I have to deactivate more mods. Then I activate another and it's good to go. Then I crash and have to go back. Again and again.


I'm going to locate the problem. I'm too stubborn. After a month of trying this and that. I can't give up now.


Update: Ok so I've narrowed it down to one of these deactivated mods: http://imgur.com/ga1wJsf


I think. I hope. Wish me luck.


Update 2: Ugh. I thought it was safe. I entered and left area like 10 times. Saved game. Added Enhancements Restore. Bashed. Began trial. Crashed. So you'd think maybe an error in Enhancments Restore. Load previous safe save without Enhancements Restore to check. Begin trial again with safe save. Crash. Now I've gotta go back and disable. I'm not sure if this process is getting anywhere.


Update 3:

OK GREAT! I found the culprit...


The winner is... BASHED PATCH!


I'm not kidding. Now can someone please explain to me why my bashed patch is causing the game to crash? I can use almost all of my mods before limit without bashed patch and I get no CTD. When I bash, I CTD. What should I do?


Here's current bashed config: http://pastebin.com/7WiYrzLs


What should be final load order: http://pastebin.com/4yMYAidq


UPDATE: Opening Bashed Patch in TES4Edit and deleting all World space records seems to have fixed CTD!!!! However I'm worried the game might not function properly without those records. Could someone take a look at the above bashed config and see if anything stands out? If not, can I still play game without World space records in my bashed patch?

Edited by nicktheduke
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The one thing I noticed first was that it says you used the CBash - which is still in beta as far as I remember. Have you tried rebuilding your Bashed Patch using the normal procedure (not CBash)? Not sure if it makes much difference, but it was something I noticed. Also, I have noticed people recommending not to import scripts in your Bashed Patch, saying it can cause issues.

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I've tried both CBash and PyBash. I initially used PyBash but switched to CBash one I realized the game started up faster.


In terms of my problem with UL x BC in Chorrol, I deleted worldspace records in my bashed patch and it resolved CTD. Unfortunately I don't feel comfortable doing that. Worried it might lead to more CTDs. So I'm trying to locate what's causing it specifically.


Here's current worldspace records of bashed patch with intended load order: http://imgur.com/a/obAJ4


There's a few entries in orange and red. Please note the following:



All of these seem to be Chorrol related:













Some others in Bravil + a few skooma camps:







3, 35





Deleting all of these in TES4Edit fixes CTD in Chorrol South Gate. Will continue to investigate what exactly is the cause.




I tested the game. Killed a few bandits. Instead of the NPC corpse falling to the ground for me to loot, it started to twist and turn and then it floated up into the sky. Lol. Here's a photo: http://imgur.com/ffMAygC


I've always used Realistic Physics before but I've never had this problem. Anyone know the cause of this?

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Hi. Wow. Ok.


I opened up every individual worldspace record in my Cbash bashed patch using TES4Edit that relates to Chorrol. Now I admit I am only novice when it comes to modding. I have nowhere near the knowledge that a lot of you do. But correct me if I'm wrong: A red entry in TES4Edit designates a conflict, correct? Then why is Better Cities Full the only red conflict in my bashed patch?


Check here for each entry:



Deleting these fixes my CTD. But why am I getting conflicts from the mod itself?


Really really really really confused. Please help!




It's either Sounds of Cyrodiil - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39804/?


or Atmospheres Natural Ambience - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46580


I'm hoping it's SOC because Natural Ambience looks amazing with BC x UL.


EDIT: I'm going to say it was due to SOC.

Edited by nicktheduke
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Hi all.


Disabling Sounds of Cyrodiil seems to have fixed my crash near Chorrol which is strange because I've used SOC for years. I think it was either a mod conflict or overload.


I feel like I’m almost getting to a final load order.

A few things before we dive in:

  • Game seems stable and running around 30FPS so far
  • I was testing Chorrol again and it crashed 1 out of the 10 times I tried. I’d like to think that this was just a game engine crash. Any thoughts?
  • I am still getting the weird NPC corpse animation where they twist around violently and then float into the sky. This is super annoying and I need to figure out a fix.
  • Children Of Cyrodiil has some icons that have a black background which kind of ruins the immersion. Also the kids are pretty corny and sometimes have clipping issues. But it just feels weird that there’s no children in Oblivion, y’know?
  • Oblivion Character Overhaul is essential. However the way it works with other mods is grotesque. NPCs injected into the game by other mods look really really bad. Is there a way to “reset” NPC faces without opening each mod in the construction set? For instance, Better Cities has a few bad NPCs that don't mix well with OCO. One guy in IC Waterfront had blue skin.
  • Speaking of BC, there is a naked NPC in the Temple District from that mod. Using FormID Finder, it seems that he's meant to be that way?
  • Some pathing issues with Weynon Priory Alive where the stable master gets stuck walking into a wagon.
  • Had to disable movement revamped in SDR since it’s still being worked on.
  • I haven’t gotten very far in the game yet since I’m using Alt Beginnings and Overhauls. It’s pretty tough out there!

Anyway, I’ve broken down the mods into loose categories:


Oblivion Steam SI Edition
Unofficial Patches
DLC Unofficial Patches
Oblivion Reloaded + ENB
Oblivion Content Restoration Project


Better Cities
MTC Villages Expanded
Region Revive - Lake Lumare
Unique Landscapes + Patches + Chorrol Hinterland
Roads of Cyrodiil
AFK Weye
Snowy Road To Bruma
Gottshaw Village
Sutch Village
Ogramirad's Unmarked Campsites - UL Edition
Land Magic


Wayyyyy too many to list here. I’ll list those later if anyone wants :smile:


More Groundcover
Alive Waters Updated w/ Grass Fix
All Natural
Storms & Sounds
Animated Window Lighting System
Cities Alive At Night
Better Bell Sounds
Symphony of Violence
Atmospheric Oblivion
Graphic Improvement (Pale Pass Ice)
Improved Fires and Flames
Enhanced Vegetation
Badder Frost
Badder Shock
Falling Leaves
OR Flare


OOO w/ add-ons + SI Edition + Unofficial Patch
Sneaking Detection Recalibrated v9 w/ movement turned off
Running Revised w/ Sprint
Looting Mechanics Overhaul
Vampire Revolution
Enhanced Economy


Harvest Flora
Children of Cyrodiil
Improved Signs
Dialogue Idles
Atmospheres Natural Ambience (Drifting Seeds)
Coffins Contain Corpses
Prayer Idles
Ayelid Artifacts
Akaviri Heirlooms
Weynon Priory Alive
Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary - COBL
Colovian Barrow Mounds
Cloud Ruler Temple Renewed
Glenmoril Covens
Cyrodiil Travel Services
Expanded Greetings
Basic Primary Needs
Roving Renrijra Krin
More Skooma Dealers


Vows & Covenants
Worship in Cyrodiil


Crime Has Witnesses
Hear No Evil
SM Bounty


Deadly Reflex
Duke Patricks Near Miss, Fresh Kills, Actors can Miss, etc
More Effective Enhancements + OOO + Knights
Unidirectional Attack
Balanced Magic + Enchantment Rebalance
Magic Arrows
Realistic Force Medium
Realistic Magic Force Medium
Summon Dremora Lord Saved
Enchantment Restore


Bob’s Armory
Immersive Weapons
Weapon Improvement Project (great mod that you have to fix mesh yourself)
Weapons of Morrowind
Geomancy & Gem Dust OOO
MOBSification of MODS


HUD Status Bars


Better Dungeons
Snu’s Dungeons
SM plugin
Bag Of Holding
Mannimarco Revisited
Curse Of Hircine
Brotherhood Renewed
Fighters Guild Quests
Mages Guild quests
Guild Advancement
Hidden Treasure Chests - UL Edition
Bruma Guild Reconstructed
Alternative Beginnings


Oblivion Character Overhaul + DLC patches
OCO Races Balanced
CM Partners + SI
CM Partners Decrashification
Crowded Roads
Populated Prison


Dynamic Map
Head Bob
Script Icon Replacer
Cliff’s Better Letters
Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells
Dude Where’s my Horse?
Skill Perk Descriptions
Migck’s Tweaks
Elz - No Floating Weapon
Elz - Realistic Gravity
FormID Finder
ANB Toggle Grab
Toggleable Quantity Prompt
A Takes All
Lynges Unlimited Death Reload Time
Custom Autosave
Book Jackets + DLC
Grimmest Spell Tomes
Kyoma's Focus on Shrine
Torch Hot Key
Denock Arrow
At Home Alchemy
Custom Spell Icons (I think this is required for something but I’m not sure if necessary?)

Here’s my load order here: http://pastebin.com/VW7Tcg4C

I think that’s it. I might have missed something. Idk.

Does anyone see conflicts? Anything I should disable? Any overlaps? Anything I might want to add? For instance, how is Knights Revelation? It doesn’t seem compatible with BC but everyone seems to like it?

Please let me know when you can. Thanks!

Edited by nicktheduke
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Played for a little while last night. Here's some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/5OP6l

  • I've had sporadic crashes which I feel are more due to limitations of game engine. I say that only because after I crash I reload save and can progress past crash point. The newest UOP helped fix a few things. I think I fixed the warped floating corpses as well.
  • I actually said [censored] it and opened up a few mods that add NPCs just to reset their face. Mages/Fighters Guild Quests specifically. I really wish there was some kind of NPC face reset mod for mods. It would be wonderful for OCO.
  • I have still encountered NPCs from BC that are either almost naked or down to their underwear. There's nothing missing in their inventory when I check so I wonder if this is intended?
  • Another thing is that I encountered a land tear from ROC even tho I had the patch merged into bashed. I had manually activate it in order for it to work




OBSE Version:

Better Cities Helper.dll Version:
Blockhead.dll Version:
ConScribe.dll Version:
Construction Set Extender.dll Version:
OblivionReloaded.dll Version:
sdr.dll Version:
SwitchNightEyeShaders.dll Version:


And here's all of my textures I think:


++ 029 - QTP3Redimized.zip (37657997) (Installed)

++ 030 - QTP3 Custom Textures-26075.7z (203D88F5) (Installed)
++ 031 - QTP3 UOP3350 Compatibility Patch-5296-3-5-0.7z (9C9E970A) (Installed)
++ 032 - Skingrad Roof Textures- Unofficial AddOn for Qarls Textures-5134.7z (BE90CA48) (Installed)
++ 033 - Bomrets Texture Pack for Shivering Isles 1.0 (0518E343) (Installed)
++ 034 - Graphics Improvement Project-43496-v5-0.zip (84BCA0F8) (Installed)
++ 035 - Detailed Terrain - Beta II-15245.7z (834E75C3) (Installed)
++ 036 - DT Shader Patch-15245.7z (793A3964) (Installed)
++ 037 - DT Texture Pack - Shivering Isles-15245.7z (0EF08CAC) (Installed)
++ 046 - Arena HD-42881-1-5.7z (3ED0C2F1) (Installed)
++ 047 - Cloud Ruler Temple HD-42928-1-0.7z (F2F4FDF2) (Installed)
++ 048 - Geckos Ayleid Ruins Textures V2 - Parallax-46579-2.zip (11059FE3) (Installed)
++ 049 - Koldorns Sewer Textures 2 v1_1-9080.7z (EB9DEE7B) (Installed)
++ 050 - Kvatch HD-45670-1-0.7z (9C27EC2C) (Installed)
++ 051 - Statues HD-43104-2-0.7z (6B038EEC) (Installed)
++ 052 - HiRes Oblivion Textures v11-27887.7z (172E521B) (Installed)
++ 053 - ImprovedSignsComplete-9498.7z (7B1F6919) (Installed)
++ 054 - Improved Trees and Flora-8500.7z (13A4054B) (Installed)
++ 055 - Improved Trees and Flora 2-11891.7z (523A98DB) (Installed)
++ 056 - ITF2Update-11891.7z (FFEF5557) (Installed)
++ 057 - Improved Doors and Flora-8298.7z (E68A60FF) (Installed)
++ 058 - IDFUpdate-8298.7z (46708404) (Installed)
++ 059 - Improved Fires and Flames - Performance 1.0 (4D83C497) (Installed)
++ 060 - Enhanced Cobwebs v2-9746.7z (6028FA89) (Installed)
++ 061 - Brumbeks Sky Pack 1-1-14346-1.7z (B4AFAE81) (Installed)
++ 062 - Mesh Improvement Project-44501-1-4a.7z (4059EA54) (Installed)
++ 063 - KoldornsLODnoiseReplacer-9952.rar (F15C44C4) (Installed)
++ 064 - DMQL-Normal_Maps_1024-32709.7z (FA0B50ED) (Installed)
++ 065 - Evandars Snow Texture Replacer 13-22284.7z (D9EAED66) (Installed)
++ 069 - Grass Overhaul-42400-v5-2.zip (6C342057) (Installed)
++ 105 - atmospheres 4 Heaven-46675-1-0.7z (DF363B2B) (Installed)
++ 106 - atmospheres 4 Hell-46675-1-0.7z (759B98A9) (Installed)
++ 109 - atmospheres night sky-46675-.7z (C6D21E6A) (Installed)
++ 110 - atmospheres natural ambience for Oblivion Reloaded or Vanila-46580-1-0.7z (A59B33B1) (Installed)
++ 111 - Improved Skulls and Bones and ironwork-36075-1-1.7z (5B67B3B2) (Installed)
++ 112 - Staffs version 1_1-38438-1-1.7z (2B762223) (Installed)
++ 113 - Visually Improved Staffs for OOO-41477-1-0.7z (64D55FF5) (Installed)
++ 114 - High-Res Varla and Welkynd Texture Replacer-36814-2-0.7z (37F8BD67) (Installed)
++ 115 - -Book Jackets Oblivion High Res-5570.7z (A6244BAC) (Installed)
++ 116 - Book_Jackets_KOTN_v10-27521.zip (C2EC35AE) (Installed)
++ 117 - ImprovedAmuletsAndRings-17147.7z (B81A2B2D) (Installed)
++ 118 - Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats-10487.7z (25769256) (Installed)
++ 119 - Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats Update-10487.7z (DE04EDE3) (Installed)
++ 120 - DOWNPOUR-45520-02.7z (E7733F13) (Installed)
++ 121 - Falling Leaves V1_0 BAIN-44257-1-0.rar (759F400C) (Installed)
++ 122 - Hi-Res Soul Gems-43728-1-0.zip (44FB23E5) (Installed)
++ 123 - Nice Ice - Icing on the Cake-45342-03.7z (4A7F7411) (Installed)
++ 124 - Shivering Book Jackets-16247.7z (ABF9FA04) (Installed)
++ 125 - Grimbots Spell Tomes-16247.7z (3212FDB5) (Installed)
++ 126 - HiRez God Statues-43356-1-1.zip (CCE77BD3) (Installed)
++ 127 - HiRez Daedric Shrines-43442-1-0.zip (CCE5716F) (Installed)
++ 129 - Enhanced Magic Effects-9424.zip (57380018) (Installed)
++ 130 - Mythic Animals High res part 1-29638.7z (8135E561) (Installed)
++ 131 - Mythic Animals High res part 2-29638.7z (293F018E) (Installed)
++ 132 - Mythic Creatures.7z (09DD4847) (Installed)
++ 133 - Mythic Ghosts and Goblins-36000-1.7z (F9044608) (Installed)
++ 134 - Mythic Madness-38251-1.7z (37A24745) (Installed)
++ 135 - Signposts retexture-45918-2-0.rar (7D2EF100) (Installed)
++ 136 - Nirnroot retexture-45018-1-0.rar (02562399) (Installed)
++ 137 - Sewers retexture 2k-46099-1-0.rar (D838DC81) (Installed)
++ 138 - Rocks retexture 2k-45881-1-0.rar (18840BAC) (Installed)
++ 139 - Bruma Retexture-44677-1-1.rar (BD41B200) (Installed)
++ 140 - Cheydinhal Retexture-44685-1-0.rar (C525665C) (Installed)
++ 141 - Ayleid ruins retexture 2k fixed-44671-2-0.rar (0015AE6B) (Installed)
++ 142 - Fort ruins exterior retexture 2k-44660-2-0.rar (93C3F263) (Installed)
++ 143 - High Resolution Atmospheric Cloud Texture-45990-1.zip (987896B6) (Installed)
++ 146 - Imperial Roads-46744-1.7z (6D89DC68) (Installed)
++ 147 - Landscape retexture 2k-44713-2-0.rar (FB3DC0A9) (Installed)
++ 148 - Landscape retexture - Shivering Isles - High res-44713-1-0.rar (DAE818A9) (Installed)
++ 149 - CaptNKILLs NonTiling Texture Mod-4868.zip (6FE30931) (Installed)
++ 150 - Really_Better_Tiling_Grass_1dot1-14342.7z (4CE2BC17) (Installed)
++ 151 - Better Tiling textures for Qarl v1_11-6996.7z (4721AEEE) (Installed)
++ 152 - Unique Signs-25314.zip (FC0A6D23) (Installed)
++ 153 - more groundcover Update1-45589-.zip (912422C8) (Installed)
++ 154 - Improved Storm Atronachs-45536-1-0.7z (A31B042C) (Installed)
++ 155 - Enhanced Vegetation - Plugins v1dot1-23783.7z (587CC786) (Installed)
++ 156 - Enhanced Vegetation - High Res Textures v1dot1-23783.7z (68E73E25) (Installed)
++ 157 - Improved Moons-45545-1-0.7z (76E00EE4) (Installed)
++ 158 - Caves retexture 2k-45895-1-0.rar (313C001E) (Installed)
++ 159 - Oblivion Realm HD-43100-1-0.7z (7BA402B2) (Installed)
++ 160 - RAEVWD Optimized (246A0453) (Installed)
++ 161 - RAEVWD SI Edition Optimized (32FB0C7C) (Installed)
++ 162 - RAEVWD QTP3 Texture Pack by Brumbek-20053-1-5 (1).7z (3D064337) (Installed)
++ 163 - RAEVWD SI Bomret Textures-20053.7z (ABBE189F) (Installed)
++ 229 - Mikes Clothes Replacer v11-7487.7z (6FC63A1A) (Installed)
++ 230 - Insanity's Improved Armoury Compilation v1.21.7z (791B1F65) (Installed)
++ 231 - Weapon Improvement Project-43852-1-9.7z (9110BE8D) (Installed)
++ 232 - Weapon Improvement Knights of the Nine Project Patch-46313-1.7z (DC64BC77) (Installed)
++ 233 - Umbra Sword Replacer-43762-1-0.7z (9F227098) (Installed)
++ 234 - Ebony Sword Replacer-43718-1-0.7z (1ADB62A3) (Installed)
++ 263 - Rugs and Tapestries Overhaul-46427-1-0.7z (07EAF33F) (Installed)
++ 270 - Upperclass clutter-41108-1-0.zip (0C9AFD6C) (Installed)
++ 279 - Warpaint for OCO - main file-43833-.rar (97271F28) (Installed)
++ 280 - Seamless- OCOv2 BAIN 44676-45859-1-4.7z (6EC4301F) (Installed)
++ 281 - Lens flare-46815-0-9.rar (274BC41D) (Installed)
++ 287 - imperialdungeontextures.zip (9E8B29E5) (Installed)
++ 290 - Spooky Edits - Silver Bow 0.2 - 1k (Less Shiny)-46822-0-2.7z (4DB69245) (Installed)

Lmk what you think!
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