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Wrye Bash + Oblivion launching


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Just installed OOO, tested it with a new character (worked fine), then set up Wrye Bash to update a save. That worked too, but now Oblivion doesn't launch - just gives me the "working in background" for a few seconds, then the process stops without doing anything. I'm not sure how this could've happened, and I'm certainly not an expert on mod stuff. Halp!


There's also no uninstaller as far as I can tell (although I installed Wrye Bash with an installer), and the program put so much random crap in my Oblivion directory that I wouldn't be able to find and get rid of all of it.


Version is 292, and on the offchance that this is relevant, the install was a little strange - one of the installer screens was kind of graphically glitched out and listed some "missing requirements". I had already installed the things it listed, so I just hit next and the program (apparently) got installed correctly.

Edited by Spelling Police
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