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Stronger Wall Spells?


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I was wondering, could anyone do a very simple mod, that makes all wall spells (wall of flames, wall of frost, wall of storms) 1,8, maybe 2 times stronger? I really like the concept, and it looks cool, but they are very weak compared to projectile spells. Also, I'd really love it to be a very simple mod, so it could be compatible with Better Magic, which takes care of other magic balance problems, and any mod that adds custom spells.

If there is already such a mod uploaded, my bad, but I haven't found any.

Thanks modders

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looks like someone already requested something similar: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1994764-improved-wall-of-fire-frost-storms-spells/


Here is the mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56945/? Not sure if it is as strong as you were looking for.

I didn't manage to find that one, thanks a lot.


It's not much boost, but it will do.

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