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Death on Sleep/Wait


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So....I'm having a problem, whenever I wait / Sleep I die


I'm currently using IMCN (More Complex needs) However, I have turned this mod off and made a fresh character and still get the Instant Death so its not "Oh your staving,dehydrated ect" in my honest opinion, Currently have Hardcore OFF so its not that either, anyone with ideas would be great...




P.S If Load Order or anything else is needed is needed let me know I haven't added any new mods recently except re textures so,

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this game won't kill you for lack of water unless you are in hardcore mode


so you have a mod interfering with your game


or a mod that was turned on, didn't properly turn off before removal.

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Well I loaded a game a few hours back and It seems to have fixed it self, however I will keep you posted because last time I did was The Kings first quest line, the followers quests and the first silver rush quest so trying to figure out if those could be the problem.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I once set the timescale to 1 with a console command. This causes that, when you wait/sleep, your thirst and hunger meters go THROUGH THE ROOF and kill you.


Maybe that's the thing.

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