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How should spending cuts be done?


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"The reason I don't like people buying their way in is because they receive a degree for doing pretty much nothing. If you can just buy degrees the value of higher education becomes lowered."


Just what basis for this relatively absurd statement? Anecdotal? Just for giggles please provide the evidence to back your assertion.


Your saying universities that run for profit won't treat people who pay their in way better?


I didn't literally mean they bought a degree, I have no idea how you could of possibly thought that.


The rest should be common sense, but I will go ahead and explain it.

1. You buy your way into a private university.

2. Hell if you have money, you can even pay someone to do almost all your work for you. ( I have a link for that if your interested, people do this as a full time job.)

3. You get a degree without getting a real education.

4. People who had to work for their degree have the same degree as someone with little education.


Private universities require everyone who is not a scholarship beneficiary to pay and there are damn few total rides handed out. I wouldn't expect you to understand how a university is run having not yet been to one ( or likely to) but your misconceptions are comically absurd.


1) Just how do you manage that? Bribe the Admissions Dean with a Ferrari? He does answer to the Dean of Students.

Or bribe all the Deans and the Board of Regents too?

2) It's called cheating and all good Universities will suspend or throw you out for it.

3) Do you mean not staying awake in class? Well I defer to an expert.

4) This statement is not even logical so therefor beyond any refutation. But the latter half again is your field of expertise.


If this is an example of your common sense then Logic was not on your curricula vitae either.

1. Why not? If you can buy every single politician in the country do you really think it would be hard to bribe a dean? Your missing the point though. If you can't afford to go to college then you can't go.


2. How many professors find out? As I said before, people do that as a full time job.


3. It could mean a lot of things, but for simplicity sure.


4. How is it not logical? The value of a degree will be lowered if someone does 1 2 and 3, and gets a degree.

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1. Why not? If you can buy every single politician in the country do you really think it would be hard to bribe a dean? Your missing the point though. If you can't afford to go to college then you can't go.


2. How many professors find out? As I said before, people do that as a full time job.

3. It could mean a lot of things, but for simplicity sure.

4. How is it not logical? The value of a degree will be lowered if someone does 1 2 and 3, and gets a degree.


1) Politicians have lower moral standards than Deans of Admission. Ever hear of scholarships, student loans, night school and working your way through college?


2) There are such things as anti Plagiarism programs and there is such a thing as an Academic Honor Code though I doubt that you would understand it's ethics.


(3) & (4)....Pointless once one refutes 1 & 2.


Last but not least.... you are aware that Private Schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars? So it is totally extraneous to a discussion of spending cuts.

That might have been discussed during one of your sleeping sessions in Civics class.

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Having a degree these days, does NOT mean what it used to. At one point, it was difficult to get into a college/university, and once there, they actually expected you to work for your grades/degree. Now, we have kids getting college credit for remedial courses because the primary education system has failed them so miserably. Not to mention a pretty large industry whose only job is to loan money to potential students, so that by the time they graduate, the are north of a hundred grand in debt, only to end up with a job that pays 30 grand a year or less...... and now they have to start repaying those loans.... What basically amounts to a mortgage payment, that no bank in its right mind would even consider extending to them on their "freshly graduated" income. And of course, since a fair number of these lending institutions are ran by the government...... laws have been passed such that you cannot file bankruptcy on them. Neat huh?
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1. Why not? If you can buy every single politician in the country do you really think it would be hard to bribe a dean? Your missing the point though. If you can't afford to go to college then you can't go.


2. How many professors find out? As I said before, people do that as a full time job.

3. It could mean a lot of things, but for simplicity sure.

4. How is it not logical? The value of a degree will be lowered if someone does 1 2 and 3, and gets a degree.


1) Politicians have lower moral standards than Deans of Admission. Ever hear of scholarships, student loans, night school and working your way through college?


2) There are such things as anti Plagiarism programs and there is such a thing as an Academic Honor Code though I doubt that you would understand it's ethics.


(3) & (4)....Pointless once one refutes 1 & 2.


Last but not least.... you are aware that Private Schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars? So it is totally extraneous to a discussion of spending cuts.

That might have been discussed during one of your sleeping sessions in Civics class.

1. Loans shouldn't even be in the discussion, refer to HeyYou's post for that. Yes you could get a scholarship, but you have to work harder then then people who can fully afford college on their own. Politicians may have lower moral standards, but the private sector does everything for money. Seems to me that quite a few deans wouldn't mind a bribe.


2. Yes, and? That doesn't stop everyone from plagiarizing. People do this as a full time job, as I said before. Clearly quite a few people get away with it.


Private schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars. They sometimes get subsidies, and higher education does a lot of job creation and the economy. Private universities have a lot to do with spending cuts in the long run.

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Private schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars. They sometimes get subsidies, and higher education does a lot of job creation and the economy. Private universities have a lot to do with spending cuts in the long run.


No they don't... subsidies only go to State Colleges (ie public) not private colleges..do you just make this stuff up? I know the concept of actual research is antithetical to your thinking process but you might just give it a try before posting. "Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error." -Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Private schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars. They sometimes get subsidies, and higher education does a lot of job creation and the economy. Private universities have a lot to do with spending cuts in the long run.


No they don't... subsidies only go to State Colleges (ie public) not private colleges..do you just make this stuff up? I know the concept of actual research is antithetical to your thinking process but you might just give it a try before posting. "Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error." -Marcus Tullius Cicero

You have used the same quote twice and were incorrect twice.


What about research grants? There are times that federal funding does go to private universities. I said sometimes after all, the bigger thing is that private universities can have massive effect on jobs.

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Private schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars. They sometimes get subsidies, and higher education does a lot of job creation and the economy. Private universities have a lot to do with spending cuts in the long run.


No they don't... subsidies only go to State Colleges (ie public) not private colleges..do you just make this stuff up? I know the concept of actual research is antithetical to your thinking process but you might just give it a try before posting. "Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error." -Marcus Tullius Cicero

You have used the same quote twice and were incorrect twice.

What about research grants? There are times that federal funding does go to private universities. I said sometimes after all, the bigger thing is that private universities can have massive effect on jobs.

No... the quote is perfectly applicable to you both times, that you can't realize it's validity and take remedial action is the sad part which proves the veracity and applicability of the quote.

A federal research grant is something that an individual researcher applies for not the university per se. You are getting desperate to back a losing argument, which is par for the course for you. The only thing the university gets out of it is the academic honors. All intellectual dividends are the property in most cases of the dept that funded them in the first place. Why don't you look up the process on your favorite medium..wiki..because doing actual research might make the two neurons residing in your cranium collide fatally.

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Private schools are not funded by taxpayer dollars. They sometimes get subsidies, and higher education does a lot of job creation and the economy. Private universities have a lot to do with spending cuts in the long run.


No they don't... subsidies only go to State Colleges (ie public) not private colleges..do you just make this stuff up? I know the concept of actual research is antithetical to your thinking process but you might just give it a try before posting. "Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error." -Marcus Tullius Cicero

You have used the same quote twice and were incorrect twice.

What about research grants? There are times that federal funding does go to private universities. I said sometimes after all, the bigger thing is that private universities can have massive effect on jobs.

No... the quote is perfectly applicable to you both times, that you can't realize it's validity and take remedial action is the sad part which proves the veracity and applicability of the quote.

A federal research grant is something that an individual researcher applies for not the university per se. You are getting desperate to back a losing argument, which is par for the course for you. The only thing the university gets out of it is the academic honors. All intellectual dividends are the property in most cases of the dept that funded them in the first place. Why don't you look up the process on your favorite medium..wiki..because doing actual research might make the two neurons residing in your cranium collide fatally.

Not surprised.


You go to personal insults after you lose a argument and no longer bother to try to prove your point.


Research grants are not only for single individuals, they can apply to entire research groups. I would consider that federal funding to a university.


Federal funding is besides the point, that doesn't have much to do with my point anyways.


I didn't even use wikipeida, but I don't understand why you hate it so much.

Edited by marharth
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Just out of idle curiosity, what does ANY of this have to do with government spending??

Absolutely nothing it was a digression...point taken. I return you to spending cuts with little M...enjoy.


Edited by Aurielius
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