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How should spending cuts be done?


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Just out of idle curiosity, what does ANY of this have to do with government spending??

Absolutely nothing it was a digression...point taken. I return you to spending cuts with little M...enjoy.


You are making yourself look worse then you need to.


You could just be nice and admit when you are wrong.


Honestly keep going with personal insults, one day its going to come back to bite you :thumbsup:


@HeyYou, the rebellions, Afgan, and Iraq should not even be on the list of priorities.

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But then the Left never seem to see the correlation between companies doing well and keeping their jobs until they get their redundancy notices...



Not ALL of us don't get it. I'm a Liberal, and even *I* know there can only be so much ion the way of taxes on corporations, else they pick up their ball and go home (or to China, the Phillipines, wherever). There needs to be balance, that much we all know, but until we can all agree on how to do it, we won't get anywhere.


Having said this, I'd like to say I know the areas where spending cuts shouldn't be done:


law enforcement

Women's health clinics (they aren't just about abortion)



Air traffic controllers


Here in the states, the conservatives are trying to get funding to all those things cut. Which makes me think they're special and don't need cops, their planes never crash, they can all afford to send their kids to private schools, they don't need clean air and safe water, and they never get pregnant when they don't want to be or have reproductive health issues :P

Edited by nyxalinth
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@ nyxalinth

OK, since you state that your perspective is 'Liberal' what would you cut spending on? That is assuming that you agree that we are spending more than we are taking in revenues and cannot sustain the debt we are incurring. When your family is over budget usually one takes a hard look at all expenditures and makes the hard call on what one has to do with less or none of, or at least thats the way mine works. There is a lot of name calling of the conservative position simply because we recognize that the current spending spree is unsustainable, it is not out of some sense of a Simon LeGree joy that we propose cuts but out of sheer necessity. It's always easier to take someone else's lollipop away from them while protecting your own but given the state of the country everyone is going to have to lose a lolly or two. If we do not make the hard choices in the cold light of fiscal dawn we will not survive and will pass on a country that has saddled it's unborn generations with debt servicing that will cripple any hopes of achieving the American dream.

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The american dream is dead. It was killed by Wall Street in 2007, with the aid of banks, and the government.


So why is it, that the republicans want to take away lolly's from the middle class, and poor, but, give tax breaks to their rich buddies? Why don't we cut spending on things that are more of a burden than they are worth? Like four unfunded wars? More military bases in foreign countries that any other 100 countries combined? Why do we continue to throw money at lost causes? (Iraq, Afghanistan....) Why do we give 'aid' to countries that are richer than we are? (Saudi Arabia) Why do we give tax breaks to corporations for moving jobs overseas? The government loses the tax income from the companies, and also the tax income from the american people that are no longer working. How does that make any sense at all?

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First off the American dream is not dead, we have survived worse if you don't believe me ask your grandparents how they managed in the 1920-30's. Freedom is a very costly thing which requires a certain level of sacrifice, if you think that it was supposed to be a free ride hate to tell you it's not. I will be glad to discuss geopolitics with you on another thread if you care to start one so I will leave the military commitments aside for the time being. If I understood your salient points you would like to withdraw out of all foreign wars cut military spending and all foreign aid, cut tax benefits to corporations? I just want to be clear before responding to your thesis.

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Now if you leave the advertising away .. then one question comes to mind who owns that much money and who owns your countries ?

You are talking about tax cuts ? well you have to pay the depths your politicians cause be it either the liberals , democrats or republicans and can they be fined for their failures? Now compare to the normal workers if they make an error on work that cost money and time ? And this isn't only America that has this problem this problem is global. Worst of it all your grand children my have to pay up the depths that have been made... think about it is working into slavery with a happy dance to the grave... now talking about tax cuts at the time of saving money for your grand children will be soon called treason if oppression of politicians goes on. best of all talking about tax cuts is a calculated to position parties in Flavour of the next polls.and there are enough that believe such obvious lies around every where ....

What a pity! Spending cuts on the other hand must be made to ensure countries doesn't go bankrupt.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Now if you leave the advertising away .. then one question comes to mind who owns that much money and who owns your countries ?

You are talking about tax cuts ? well you have to pay the depths your politicians cause be it either the liberals , democrats or republicans and can they be fined for their failures? Now compare to the normal workers if they make an error on work that cost money and time ? And this isn't only America that has this problem this problem is global. Worst of it all your grand children my have to pay up the depths that have been made... think about it is working into slavery with a happy dance to the grave... now talking about tax cuts at the time of saving money for your grand children will be soon called treason if oppression of politicians goes on. best of all talking about tax cuts is a calculated to position parties in Flavour of the next polls.and there are enough that believe such obvious lies around every where ....

What a pity! Spending cuts on the other hand must be made to ensure countries doesn't go bankrupt.

Can you rephrase that, I don't get what your saying...

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law enforcement

Women's health clinics (they aren't just about abortion)



Air traffic controllers


Here in the states, the conservatives are trying to get funding to all those things cut. Which makes me think they're special and don't need cops, their planes never crash, they can all afford to send their kids to private schools, they don't need clean air and safe water, and they never get pregnant when they don't want to be or have reproductive health issues :P


Errrr....yeeees. I am female and I know very well what women's health clinics are, and how typically Leftish, zoning in on just women's health - I guess you think men's health clinics aren't important then? Try telling that to victims of testicular and prostate cancer. It is also typically Leftie that you make sweeping statements. Name calling, as Aurelius puts it.


Once more, with feeling. Take a good look across the Big Pond. In Europe we were all encouraged by left leaning governments to believe that we could have it all, and money was lavished around. Now we have found out that we actually can't afford it. In Britain the swinging axe is just in time. For Greece, Portugal and Ireland, it might well be too late and they may well default and devalue. Do you not get the footage of the Greek riots where you are?

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law enforcement

Women's health clinics (they aren't just about abortion)



Air traffic controllers


Here in the states, the conservatives are trying to get funding to all those things cut. Which makes me think they're special and don't need cops, their planes never crash, they can all afford to send their kids to private schools, they don't need clean air and safe water, and they never get pregnant when they don't want to be or have reproductive health issues :P

Do you not get the footage of the Greek riots where you are?


This topic is about how spending cuts should be done, not if they should be done or not.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that.


I think its ridiculous for people on the left to think we shouldn't cut spending, but I think its equally ridiculous for people to say we can never raise taxs or change the code.

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