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extremely quiet sounds


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I just got on my game today and loaded my save and whenever i talk to someone their voice is extremely queit to where i cant hear them this is the same with all npc's also with sound effects such as jumping, attacking, picking stuff up casting spells everything except the background sound effects like wind and such is, extremely quiet. The only thing that is not quiet is the music. I've been looking everywhere for a solution and I cant find one Ive tried almost everything, rebooting, restoring,reinstalling, loading a different save and starting a new save, and yes I have the most recent patch, its none of my mods because I didnt install any mods before this happened. the volume settings in game and with my speakers are set to max nothing fixes the problem.


I'm not a technical genius so if anyone could help me with this problem that would be great because the game isn't as fun withought voice and sound.

Edited by godlock2006
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Everythings in other games like Fallout3 amnesia and dragon age those are fine, but in Oblivion the voices and sound effects are very quiet. The background SFX and music work perfectly but I have all my volume settings at max and I can just barely hear faint voices in dialogue and faint action sound effects Edited by godlock2006
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  • 2 months later...

I have the same issue. While I would not describe the sounds as "extremely" quiet, I do dislike that the music's volume overtakes everything. Adjusting the music volume slider is identical to adjusting the master volume. Sometimes, an NPC will speak, but it is so quiet compared to the music that I just hear mumbling. Fortunately, there's the subtitles to compensate. The volume sliders for effects, footsteps and what not are all maxed.

Background music should be in the background. =\

What else can I check?


Edit: I have not been able to find any fixes for this.

Edited by Loki787
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I kind of don't want to resort to that, it does detract a bit from the playing experience, not to mention an easy indicator when an enemy is after you.

Perhaps MusicVolume isn't properly defined inside the game? Anyone know what file(s) to look into? Hard-coded?

Edit: So I figure out later that Reclock was the issue. =\

Edited by Loki787
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