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Team Fortress 2 is free this weekend!


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YEA 8gb ia m afriad of that size lol. But must downloadhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif Edited by Thor.
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Oh yeah it's true. We also have a Meet the Medic video at long last.


Edit: okay, I spoke too soon. I tried playing TF2 earlier and it is absolutely flooded with newbies and people used to straightforward FPS games. Ugh. Scouts taking teleporters, spies trying to do direct combat, and heavies fighting with the shotgun. I think I'll take a week break for the CoD kiddies to get bored with it.

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LOOL chaos its great fun, another game added to garys modhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gifhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
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meh. still not interested.


Then why spam in the thread? Take this weak s*** somewhere else please. I don't s*** in threads which I have no interest in, so please don't do it in our threads.


Edit: okay, I spoke too soon. I tried playing TF2 earlier and it is absolutely flooded with newbies and people used to straightforward FPS games. Ugh. Scouts taking teleporters, spies trying to do direct combat, and heavies fighting with the shotgun. I think I'll take a week break for the CoD kiddies to get bored with it.


Yeah, I've been getting stupid s*** like scouts standing still to shoot at you, medics charging snipers and scouts, spies disguising as constant-action classes like medics, heavies or pyros, 'friendlies' running around between enemies and moaning that you're using hacks if you kill them because they were 'disuised'. Meh, racking up some achievements as I go along then.


Also, I got a pair of Planeswalker Goggles with my preorder for Magic: The Gathering DotP 2012, and people have been spamming me with trade requests for the things. I play scout exclusively, and they look really nice, so I'm not about to give them up and it's becoming annoying. One player even called me selfish, which makes literally no sense. :/

Edited by Halororor
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Someone was wanting to know why quickscoping didn't work as a sniper today.


I haven't bothered with the items system yet. I'm happy with my loadout, so I give away the stuff I don't need.


Also, the spy-as-medic thing works sometimes. I got fooled once. If you're good as a spy you can pass off anything, and medic is good because it's a class you're used to going behind you. (Word salad)

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I havent played TF2 ever, thanks for the heads up, gonna check it out.

One question though, wasnt TF2 a Halflife mod from the beginnning?

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It began as a Quake Wars mod made by some users, who later ported it to Half Life. When Valve caught word of it, they hired on the initial dev, Robin Walker, along with a few other people, to make it work with the Source engine and to be a freestanding game.
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I've been playing it a bit... While there are some instances of people not knowing how to play their class, and general dickery, there are enough seasoned players around to quickly school them in how to die fast.


I prefered the quake mod better though, larger maps, more strategy, and a bit more variety in the classes. I miss my grenades and spy scanner darn it.


Custom class quake TF was also the s***... sniper with stealth and grapple was a deadly combination.

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I think that after a few weeks most of the new people will go away, leaving only the people genuinely interested in getting better at the game.



That's the case with everything, isn't it...

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Someone was wanting to know why quickscoping didn't work as a sniper today.


I haven't bothered with the items system yet. I'm happy with my loadout, so I give away the stuff I don't need.


Also, the spy-as-medic thing works sometimes. I got fooled once. If you're good as a spy you can pass off anything, and medic is good because it's a class you're used to going behind you. (Word salad)


Yeah, but if you're in the heat of battle and a medic is just hanging around not healing anybody, it pretty much blows his cover. :P What the new players don't seem to quite get, is that being a good spy takes more than just the disguise. It's important to be aware of the classes the other team is playing and to actually roleplay the class you're disised as. I'm not sure if it's still possible, but when I played the game two years ago, I'd often disguise myself as an enemy spy and run through the enemy ranks acting as if I got exposed and am running for cover. :P


Something I like about the item shop is that it allows you to tailor a certain calss to your own taste, without giving you an unfair advantage over those who don't buy items.


On another note, what are all of your opinions on the Scout class? I got told that it's a useless class yesterday, and that it makes no worthy contribution to the team. I've always play scout, because I'm good at it, and I find he's good at getting behind enemy lines to take down prioriity targets like medics, snipers and engineers, not to mention that in a capture the intelligence map I usually capture the intelligence at least once due to my speed.

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