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Team Fortress 2 is free this weekend!


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On another note, what are all of your opinions on the Scout class? I got told that it's a useless class yesterday, and that it makes no worthy contribution to the team. I've always play scout, because I'm good at it, and I find he's good at getting behind enemy lines to take down prioriity targets like medics, snipers and engineers, not to mention that in a capture the intelligence map I usually capture the intelligence at least once due to my speed.

Scout is just plain brutal... Good for picking off some of the more annoying targets if you can get them off guard... Definitely got a damage improvement compared to the days of quake since their weapon can even take down HW if you get one alone and can outmanuver. It's the only decent class which can do run and gun tactics. Pyros will eat you alive if they're any good though. Wish they still had their active scanning ability though, spies are just friggin annoying now, I can't help but get the feeling that some have an infinite cloak hack or something.

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All of the classes are useful in their own situations. Scouts are epic for sneaking up behind people and beating them to death before anyone notices. They're also good for charging onto points and capping them rapidly, since they have a x2 cap rate.


Sometimes a class is just useless for what you're trying to do with it. Engineers aren't nearly as handy on offense as on defense, and demomen are terrible for trying to hold a charge at the beginning of a round.


By the way, Vagrant, there actually is a watch that gives infinite cloak... But only if you're holding still, and you can't pick up any ammo to refill it, and it drains extra fast when you move.

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Sometimes a class is just useless for what you're trying to do with it. Engineers aren't nearly as handy on offense as on defense, and demomen are terrible for trying to hold a charge at the beginning of a round.


By the way, Vagrant, there actually is a watch that gives infinite cloak... But only if you're holding still, and you can't pick up any ammo to refill it, and it drains extra fast when you move.

Gah, hate that watch then.


Demomen are my worst class so far, not as many good places to bounce grenades off to hit sentries in these maps, and sticky grenades are only good if you can see things coming. Might be good if you have a choke point and HW pushes, but even that is limited since people can just shoot your grenades off the walls/floor. I suspect it would be easier to work with once I get some items, but havn't quite figured out how to get items yet.


Engineers however are pretty much strict defense or atleast prevention. Wish sentries didn't get sapped so darn quick... Again, annoying spies and no way to find them half the time (especially when most your team are dumbasses who run to your sentry and your shotgun doesn't kill in a single hit). I miss my sensor pod, tesla sentry and forcefield.

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I tried the watch before, it's tricky to use. You have to have a lot of strategy in where you walk.


You think demoman is hard now, try using the Loch-n-Load with it. That way your grenades do a ton more damage, but they only explode on hitting a player. They break when they hit walls etc.


The trick to not getting your mines shot and blown up is to either throw them into the heat of battle where people don't have time to stop and shoot the grenades, or hide them behind door frames and such.


Items work by three things (Not counting the Mann Co. store. I ignore that.)

1. Random drops. Every 20 minutes or so the game rolls to see if you get an item.

2. Achievements. If you earn enough achievements for your class you'll unlock a weapon, such as the flaregun for the pyro or Natascha for the Heavy.

3. Crafting/trading. You can use a crafting recipe to make second tier items. For example, putting together Natascha and scrap metal will make a Brass Beast.


If you're on offense or in Arena mode, engineers are almost (Remember, ALMOST) useless. Offense still needs teleporters and dispensers, which are a great boon to the team for keeping the charge going. As for your sentry, don't use the basic sentry on offense/Arena mode. You'll need to find a wrench called the Wrangler, which allows you to build mini-sentries, which cannot be upgraded and do less damage, but they're handy for building in the battlefield and make a great distraction. Properly placed they can keep your team from getting pushed back.

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Properly placed they can keep your team from getting pushed back.

Actually, I've noticed that even normal sentries can do this. If you have a teleporter setup, you can take your fully built sentry through the teleporter and place it for rapid deployment. You just need enough time to get the darn thing setup, so it's still a defensive action, but can help hold the line at certain choke points, or atleast stop people from doubling back onto you. If you don't mind losing a sentry and you can get deep enough to survive, you can even use a well placed sentry to momentarily prevent a push from getting much momentum.


The Medic/HW combo is darn effective though, defensive and offensive. If you don't have a map that allows for sniper camps, this can be rather hard even with a scout. A combo like that just didn't work in oldschool since you had to be within striking range of an axe to keep someone alive. not sure which I prefer to be honest.

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Medic-heavies are easy-ish to take down if they're separated from the team and you're a spy. Unless the medic has Vent or something to talk to the heavy, he usually won't cut off his beam to type. So you can easily sneak up behind them and kill both before the heavy has time to react. Aside from that, the best way to frag 'em is other insta-kill methods: Pyro airblast off a cliff (Or just airblast the medic from the heavy and kill each individually), sniper headshot, or something else that takes more creativity.
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