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Any mod that adds a merchant with enough gold for expensive items?


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OK, I'm all for playing without cheats, but I'm tired of having to make gold 1500 at a time... when it it costs 50 times that to max enchant a suit of armor with OOO. Frankly, I don't get why Bethesda didn't add a high-end merchant with some appropriately-difficult quest-line to gain access...


So is there some mod that simply adds a merchant with plenty of gold? It would also be much appreciated if it's compatible with Open Better Cities. Thanks!

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There's several, but the one that comes to mind off hand is the "Naughty Joanna" mod. She does um.."naughty" things, but only if you pay her, lol She always has LOTS of septims. I couldn't play without her for that reason. Plus she's convenient right behind the IC stables.
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  • 1 year later...

I can think of several good mods that do what you are asking. If you just want economy enhancements, the two top choices that come to mind are Enhanced Economy http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/25078//? and Living Economy http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/4432//?. Both give the ability to customize literally every aspect of the global economy system in the game, right down to setting barter gold for merchants.


Personally I prefer the first choice due to the way things are implemented...but it's a matter of taste really. If you want other things like really cool custom armors and weapons in the bargain, Francescos http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/2518//? adds in tons of user made items and creatures to the spawn lists, plus has a custom version of Living Economy built in so you can set your barter preferences also.


With all that said, Nephenee had a very good point. Changing the barter gold for a single merchant, or even several in the construction set is the work of a few minutes at most. You can get exactly what you want and avoid all the extra unwanted stuff most mods are going to force you to choose.


Hope this helps somewhat

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