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Some guns missing mod categories


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I can't access any weapon categories except for legendary modification for certain guns in the weapon workbench, though I'm able to loot the same guns with different combinations of the mods that would be available if I had access to their categories. I tried fixing my load order using LOOT, but that didn't solve the problem. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? Thanks.


Here's my load order:



0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 ConcealedArmor.esm
3 3 CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm
4 4 ArmorKeywords.esm
5 5 CBBE.esp
6 6 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
7 7 MiscHairstyle.esp
8 8 MoreHairstyles4Female4.1.esp
9 9 HUE_Standalone_01.esp
10 a HUE Handmade Unique Eyes - Witcher.esp
11 b Idiot flirt.esp
12 c Companion Infinite Ammo.esp
13 d CompRedo.esp
14 e ASCOCait05.esp
15 f ASCOCurie02.esp
16 10 ASCODanse03.esp
17 11 ASCOPiper06.esp
18 12 VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp
19 13 VisibleCompanionAffinity_AffinityCheck.esp
20 14 BobbleGirl.esp
21 15 DD_Chronophage_Explore_Endless_Possibilitys.esp
22 16 DD_Prelude_273.esp
23 17 MostlyFemale.esp
24 18 zWGirlClothMina.esp
25 19 zWGirlClothSimply.esp
26 1a FIXEDGoodfeels_no_DLC_needed.esp
27 1b ModdableGoodfeels.esp
28 1c Scouter_V1.1_by_Ruddy88.esp
29 1d Scouter_AWKCR.esp
30 1e SuitDreams(5.Very Heavy).esp
31 1f SuitDreams(1.Very Light).esp
32 20 SuitDreams(2. Light).esp
33 21 SuitDreams(3.Average).esp
34 22 SuitDreams(4.Heavy).esp
35 23 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp
36 24 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp
37 25 DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp
38 26 DX Chem I Care Outfit.esp
39 27 DX Adventurer Outfit.esp
40 28 CROSS_Uni_BosUniform.esp
41 29 slootyVaultSuit.esp
42 2a Spartan-Calyps-NoAE.esp
43 2b zWInsanity.esp
44 2c Armorsmith Extended.esp
45 2d betterpatrolman.esp
46 2e JB - DomiRaider.esp
47 2f Armorsmith Automatron.esp
48 30 Armorsmith DeserterX Extended.esp
49 31 Armorsmith Invalidfate Extended.esp
50 32 MojaveImports.esp
51 33 Wastelander's Cookbook.esp
52 34 RaiderOverhaul.esp
53 35 Scavvers of the Commonwealth.esp
54 36 ConcealedArmor.esp
55 37 DD_melee_Buster.esp
56 38 RangerSequoia.esp
57 39 Crecy.esp
58 3a Weaponsmith Extended.esp
59 3b SwanAxe.esp
60 3c Glock20.esp
61 3d m82a.esp
62 3e Regent.esp
63 3f IF88TacShotgun.esp
64 40 GaussRifleMk2.esp
65 41 ASVektor.esp
66 42 BattleRifle.esp
67 43 Crossbow.esp
68 44 Mac11.esp
69 45 Rhino.esp
70 46 LK05.esp
71 47 GatlingRifle.esp
72 48 DD_bleu_Ump_Extreme_Lore_friendly_edition.esp
73 49 DD_M79_Launcher_woooot.esp
74 4a LagrieHelmet.esp
75 4b Weaponsmith Extended - DOOM_AddOn.esp
76 4c Weaponsmith Extended Leveled List Patch.esp
77 4d mysteriousmagnum.esp
78 4e AK2047.esp
79 4f DesertEagle50AE.esp
80 50 SCAR-LK.esp
81 51 G3.esp
82 52 ThatGun.esp
83 53 M2216.esp
84 54 M9.esp
85 55 SkibsWH77LSWReplacer.esp
86 56 GaussRifleMk2 - AWKCR.esp
87 57 M1911.esp
88 58 USP 45.esp
89 59 GatlingRifle-AWKCR.esp
90 5a GatlingRifle-AWKCR-DamageReduce.esp
91 5b GatlingRifle-AWKCR-Commando.esp
92 5c GatlingRifle-AWKCR-NoIdiotSavant.esp
93 5d LegendaryModification.esp
94 5e LegendaryModificationMisc.esp
95 5f LegendaryModificationCSA.esp
96 60 LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp
97 61 Extended weapon mods.esp




Let me know if there's anything else I need to post.
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I would think its because of the item-cap, that also effects weapon and armor-mods. Not all of your mods come with armor- and/ord weaponsmith-keyword support, so the use up slots in the vanilla-category-system.

I suggest to a) remove some of your weapon mods, and try again (dont save the game, so you can put the mods back and play along just fine afterwards), or b) take a look for keywords-patches for your armors and weapons.

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Yeah, it was probably the item cap. I looked back and noticed I had .esps active that were made redundant by weaponsmith extended. Deactivated them and now everything's working. Thanks for your help.

Edited by WiIIPWN4KFC
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