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Has anyone worked out how to force a settlement to ally / start the related specifc radiant quest for it?


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Basically as in the title.


Or rather.... I'm trying to undo the damage done by completing "Feeding the Troops". I want that last settlement allied, without just killing everyone there. I've devoted several hours to just hoping the relevant radiant quest will start on its own and it simply refuses to. It's Somerville place, to be specific.


Is there someway of doing this with console commands, or am I just stuck?

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I know the problem, had it myself in one playthrough, never got the quest from there.

There is afaik no ingame way to force it, so only way is through console:

setstage MinRecruit01 50

setstage MinRecruit07 50

setstage MinRecruit02 50


Pulled from Wiki, these are possible recruitement quest for Somervile Place.

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setstage MinRecruit01 50


setstage MinRecruit07 50


setstage MinRecruit02 50


Sadly these are the generic miniutemen radiants. Without knowing how to force the relevant questalias that makes them target Somerville Place, you can't use the console to start them.


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