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Headshots :D!


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Hello all that reads this topic/thread. All I'm asking for is if someone can point me in the direction of a mod that allows arrows to stick inside of the head. Not sure if you guys/girls have noticed but when you get a head shot it moves the penetration point to the neck/shoulder area. Not in the face where you shot them D:! I really could care less about damage, I just want to be able to see the arrow coming out of their eye or something insane. Thanks for any help! (I've searched forever, only seem to get damage multipliers not really sure if that allows the arrow to stick to their face though. -.-)
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Actually if your shot is a fatal head shot the arrow will appear where you shot it in their head. The devs probably did that so you won't have someone walking around with a 'pincushion' head when your archery skills aren't high enough for a one shot kill.
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No problem ... we must be alike somewhat. I'll keep nailing 'em in the noggin until they go down ... I like it better when they end up with that one arrow between the lookers (as opposed to a half dozen or more).
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