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Clicking on Plugins crashes NMM


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Nexus Mod Manager has been doing some weird things...

I will mention that I have disabled firewalls, antiviruses, ran as Admin, made sure it was not on read only, completely reinstalled NMM and validated FO4.


When using NMM, it crashes at random times, whether it is un-installing mods or simply opening a folder. However, I have managed to find a consistent crash involving the plugins tab. When I click a mod I have installed (by trying to install it multiple times and hoping it works on the other side of the crash) the loading of the description of the mod seems to crash NMM. Even if I click on Fallout4.esm plugin (Which I assume is pre-installed) it crashes.


For me I assume that It has some sort of trouble fetching data but I can not be sure. I have attached the TraceLog if it helps.


Thanks in advance for the help! :)


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yes it happens to me all the time, manually check 20 or so then run the check all that should

The other problem is this is the second half, it crashing after or before the installation of specific mods, its starting to get to me. It seems to be specific mods too like better flashlights and lowered weapons so I am confused. Disabling mods also crashes NMM.

Edited by DeepFriedZombie
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