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Recommended New Vegas mods


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Does anybody have a link to a recent recommended mods list? The last time I played through New Vegas I was kind of overwhelmed by all the mods available and didn't know what to use. Apologies if this has been requested before but I did some Googleing and it brought me to lists that were old and I figured this would be the best place to ask.
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Well... that would depend. Are you more into mods that make the game more realistic and more challenging? Or are you into mods that add quality to what's already there and make the game more enjoyable?


Believe it or not, modders on the Nexus are split between those two factions. And they're often at odds with each other when a mod is styled specifically towards either end.

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Well, it just so happens, those are my specialty. I know a lot of good ones. You can take a look at my favorite files on the New Vegas Nexus. I favorite every mod I personally use. But I could just pick out the best ones and list them here with links to them, if you'd prefer that.
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I have a thread for the same thing Cyberweasel has. Look in my signature box. It will have more later, and the post itself will look a lot better once I'm done with the duty station change.


Not trying to steal the thunder from ya CW :P

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