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I am very silly...also, help?


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So I overwrote my my KOTN DLC, because I wanted to install an armour conversion, thinking that I would not need the original one. Turns out, after starting up the quest again, the female version of the armour looks extremely inappropriate and would be ridicoulus to use for a "serious" playthrough. So, can someone maybe put up the texture, mesh and .esp files for the normal armour? I have the Steam version of the Game of the Year Edition, so if I can simply delete the file and re-download, that'll be fine too. Just kinda want an appropriate armour. Many thanks in advance for any helpful replies.
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If I were you, I would make a back-up of your save game (as well as any other mods that you want to save), and just re-install your game, as the uploading of copyrighted material (i.e. the original KOTN armor) is illegal. :thumbsup:
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That really didn't work. It seems that the mod also changed the BSA (damn!) and thereby made all my efforts amount to nothing. I tried replacing the female meshes with the male ones, but that didn't help either. Also, now it doesn't show anything, when I put on the armour, the torso just disappears, a problem that I had before with another mod (pretty sure its conflicting meshes). I'll fiddle around a bit more and see what happens...


Edit: Alright, I reinstalled and it works nicely, good side effect: I changed the female mesh to the male mesh, so it doesn't look so much like the female version belongs to some malnourished, completely unathletic person.

Edited by erloriel
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