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OBSE Saved games wont load!

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Alright I'll try that man. What exactly is Steam-Version though?

I bought the retail version and I saved an image of it on a portable drive (Not a jumpdrive, a square 1 that says dr on it) and I lost the disk. I can still reinstall and uninstall on it though so its like I have the disk but I dont. And I know thats not the problem because it worked just fine with OBSE before.

But yeah I'll do what you told me to do. Ill tell you if it works or not.


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The two versions of the game that are supported by OBSE are the retail disk versions (from the original all the way up to the GotY) and the version offered for sale on the Steam download site. The versions offered for sale and download at Direct 2 Drive and Impulse are encrypted, and it is illegal for OBSE to inject it's required code into those (the teams at OBSE and Steam worked together to make sure the Steam version could use OBSE ... required for most modern mods). Because the Steam version uses a different method to enable OBSE there are two different install methods, outlined in the OBSE readme. Edited by Striker879
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I did that, and it worked..but now it doesnt? I deleted ALL my mods. And it still does the same thing.

I made an omod with these 3 mods:



Sharingan and Uchiha Clan. I seriously deleted everything else.

Do I need to completely uninstall the mods I deleted though?

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When you got it to work and then it stops working you have me wondering if you could either have a virus or malware that's infecting your obse_loader.exe or maybe your antivirus has taken a dislike to obse_loader.exe. To test the antivirus theory, uninstall all OBSE files again, re-install OBSE and then before you run it go into your antivirus software and make sure that obse_loader.exe is excluded from all scanning. You could also scan the currently installed obse_loader.exe with an updated antivirus (or online scanner) to confirm it's not infected.


When you say 'deleted all the mods' are you just deactivating them in the launcher or deactivating them in the launcher and then deleting all the associated files and folders (or moving them outside your Oblivion folder)?

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Oh, and I mean deleting all of the associating files. I saved them to my desktop though, at least the mods I really want to save.
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