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moveable barricade


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You may use the Construction Suite to move the barricades (or move anything, for that matter)

You will need to tweak the mod INI file to be able to move non-dynamic objects.


As already said, the game engine was not designed to handle dynamically placed obstacle and, depending on what you do, it may look real bad. For example, if you place a chest on a road, NPC AI will not be aware and they will keep dumbly bumping into it.

Edited by QQuix
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You may use the Construction Suite to move the barricades (or move anything, for that matter)

You will need to tweak the mod INI file to be able to move non-dynamic objects.


As already said, the game engine was not designed to handle dynamically placed obstacle and, depending on what you do, it may look real bad. For example, if you place a chest on a road, NPC AI will not be aware and they will keep dumbly bumping into it.


NPC's will eventually walk round things even when the pathgrid says they can go from A to B if something is blocking them. I cant see it being a huge problem.


I reckon an activator would be the best bet, it can work like a static but you can script it to pick it up and place it in your inventory on a click.


I think one problem will be ground level. You could drop it and there is no way I know of to determine the land height at the position you drop it at, so all you can do is assume player height. That will be fine unless you are facing into a hill, where the object will vanish into the hill, or facing away from a hill on a slope and it will appear in midair. I am not aware of any way you could do that - ohh unless you dropped a very small havok object first, monitor its height and see what height it bounces at, and then place the static object at that height - that would work... hacky and kludgy, but it would work...

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. . . - ohh unless you dropped a very small havok object first, monitor its height and see what height it bounces at, and then place the static object at that height - that would work... hacky and kludgy, but it would work...


This works fine. It is how I place the crop on the ground in



The dropped object has to be an actor, thou (I used a scaled-way-down dog).

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There's no problem going from static to inventory item, but the other way around is trouble. If you can carry it in your inventory, it'll have to be an item. You drop the item, but the game won't let you call Moveto on the item to replace it with a static.. Unless you use that function I read about once that basically makes the item a static. That might work.


Here's how I see it might work:


Player drops an item

If not crouched and activates item, the function to make it immovable is called

If crouched the item is picked back up

The thing is now static

Player can crouch-activate the static item to pick it back up


That might work .

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I've made a mod that fakes doing something similar to what you seem to want the mod to do. Basically, there were 2 items in it: a clutter item, and an activator. Whenever the clutter item was "equipped" (I suppose I could have used an OnDrop block instead), the item would be removed, and the activator would be moved to the player. Whenever the activator was "removed", it would be disabled, and a clutter item would be added to the player's inventory.
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so i see the problem is that the NPC wont notice the barricade.

wel i dont really care about that so thats no problem

then i prefer to have like 5 barricades but if thats not possible 1 is oke aswel


and thank you people for explaing the things a bit and hope someone will be able to make this

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Well, I don't have the 28 days and a Bit mod, so I don't have the mesh for the barrier you're talking about. Is it alright if I just use the barriers that are at Kvatch?


This is what I came up with. Drop the barricade to set it up, activate it to pick it up, sneak + activate to adjust it.


EDIT: Updated the file.

Edited by fg109
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Thak you verry much! really ive waited for ever for some1 to make somthing like this but no1 ever did so i reqeusted and you made it!


thank you verry much!


but the sneaking thing isent working.

my modlist:





i don't got obse installed (im planning on doing so)


is that maybe the problem.


btw is the icon suppose to be nothing?


Well, I don't have the 28 days and a Bit mod, so I don't have the mesh for the barrier you're talking about. Is it alright if I just use the barriers that are at Kvatch?


This is what I came up with. Drop the barricade to set it up, activate it to pick it up, sneak + activate to adjust it.

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