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Make script start another script?


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Here's what I'm trying to do:

I want to add a travel menu to the Mojave Express-Boxes.


Here's what's already working:

The last choice of the shipping menu is "Travel To..."

Now if this button is clicked, the script checks which box you're currently standing and displays a list of the boxes you have already discovered, minus the active box.


Here's where I'm stuck:

Now this new message starts with Buttons 0, 1, 2... again, but the shipping script already uses these numbers for the buttons in the shipping menu.


Ideally, I'd like to add a simple command here that ends the shipping script (vMojaveExpressBoxSCRIPT) and starts another script which has the correct effects bound to the buttons.


If that's not an option, please leave your suggestions.

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Hm... Something you could try could be to place hidden activator (maybe underground) with the script that you want to start afterwards. Give this activator a REFID and make sure it's out of the way. Then, in your main script, write this under "Travel To...":

HiddenActivatorREF.Activate Player 1

That would kind of work - it's what I've used a few times in the past. A bit of a dirty workaround but it should work. Good luck :)

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I'm not sure what you mean by end, but if the main script has a message box, when you select the "Travel To" option that message box should be closed and the one from the hidden activator should show up instead.


It's hard to explain, so I'd recommend just trying it out :)

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Well, by end I mean stop the script. Because even the new message box reacts to my clicks just like the old one would, with button #1 displaying the "No shipments"-Message rather thay the one I would like it to Show. The main script still recognizes my choices, but because it is written to do certain stuff in reaction to certain button index numbers, regardless of what message box these buttons appear in, I need a way to kill the main script once the Option Travel To at the bottom of the shipping menu has been chosen.

I'm experimenting with variables atm - iTravel being set to 1 on click on my button, but the main script only reacting to clicks when iTravel is 0.


EDIT: Idea isn't woking out as well as I had hoped. I'll keep trying, though.


EDIT II: *facepalm* but having different activators and activating the one corresponding with the active box should do the trick. Great Idea, Jokerine. I only was too caught up in moping to see it.

Edited by Falloutfxer
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