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How to change the OMOD for current holding item

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Hello, guys.

I was stuck in develping a weapon mod, any suggestion will be appreciated. I'd like to know is there anyway I can change the OMOD for the weapon that currently holding? I know there is a refid.amod console works similarly, but that is not able to change something in the inventory, and I want this only affect the specific item I am holding.


Million thanks.

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ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem(Form akItem, objectmod akMod)




ObjectReference.AttachMod(objectmod akMod, int aiAttachIndex)


are probably what you want.


You could do something like Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(0).AttachMod(objectmod akMod, int aiAttachIndex).


If I recall correctly, I experimented with this when making my Car Launcher mod. But the results weren't satisfactory in that it wasn't immersive. The weapon would disappear and then reappear in the player's hands if called on an equipped weapon!

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Thank you so much registrator2000!


I am more than happy to have your advise, since I have been wondering how could I made this switching function available with your newest hotkey mod!


However I have no experience in scripts, is there a way to edit the command for specific OMOD in your hotkey mod, while the loading number is dynamically assigned?


And about the disappear and reappear issue, I don't know if it is relevant, but I have read some records in FO4Edit referring internal modification (I don't recall where this record exactly is), yet I don't know for sure if it is anything to do with this issue.


Thanks again for your advise, now there is hope again. :D

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To dynamically retrieve the load-order corrected object from a mod-added plugin, you'll need a script! But the great news is that you can call into loose Papyrus scripts without ever needing to reference them in an ESP. You can compile and drop this utility script into Data\Scripts and Hotkeys or any other script will be able to call into it.

ScriptName OMODScript extends ScriptObject

Function SwitchOMOD(int whichOMOD) global
    objectmod myOMOD1 = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x800, "MyMod.esp") as objectmod
    objectmod myOMOD2 = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x801, "MyMod.esp") as objectmod
    If (whichOMOD == 1)
        Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(0).AttachMod(myOMOD1, <aiAttachIndex>)
    ElseIf (whichOMOD == 2)
        Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(0).AttachMod(myOMOD2, <aiAttachIndex>)

I haven't tested it, but you'd want to replace 0x800 and 0x801 with the form ID of your OMODs (without the load order - the function will get the right object for you) as well as MyMod.esp with your own ESP filename.


I can't recall right now which values aiAttachIndex expects, so you might want to try some numbers to see which work. (Possibly 0 for weapons)


Regarding hotkeys then, in Hotkeys.ini, these two lines will swap your OMOD when you press the assigned hotkey.

NumPad1=cgf "OMODScript.SwitchOMOD" 1
NumPad2=cgf "OMODScript.SwitchOMOD" 2
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