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The Grappeling Hook is here!!!!


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Ok, well I saw alot of people talking about how a Grappeling Hook LIKE mod would be cool so I tryed it using one of the peoples suggestions off the forum. It's an arrow that when it strikes something that a spell can hit (For EX. a door, barrel, or person.) It checks the location of the arrow and places you there.


Now, what I need help with. If you shoot a door it has the tendancy to place you inside the building its attached to (Not the cell the building itself). And the other problem is it doesn't work on everything an arrrow can hit and stick in to.


I'm going to post the enchantment script for it and please tell me any tweaks I should make. And anyone may use this script so long as they don't sell anything with it in it.



scn aaaGrap


short xx

short yy

short zz


begin ScriptEffectStart



begin ScriptEffectUpdate

set xx to getpos x

set yy to getpos y

set zz to getpos z



begin ScriptEffectFinish

player.setPos x, xx

player.setpos y, yy

player.setpos z, zz

player.additem FormIDforArrow 1


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Hate to say it, but this isn't anything new, there are already a few mods which use similar effects. When people ask for a grappeling hook, they mean something they can toss onto the edge of the building and actually climb. Not something which instantly moves them there.


That aside, there is one flaw which all these effects have in common, you tend to appear inside the door or object you just hit. Which often leads to being trapped within the landscape or in places you can't get out of without tcl. Since this is caused by the object's base location being the spot where the player is moved, it cannot be fixed in any way. Not even the alternate method player.moveto target or spawning an activator (placeatme) near the target and moving the player there gets around this problem since buildings, rocks, and other stuff are usually hollow.

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