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Making a custom follower problem


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HI, I made a custom follower and everything seems to work, but he is just a npc. When i try to talk to him he just says "huh? need something" and no dialogue box shows up. I've seen online that it might be the voice type, i chose Male Nord. I followed all of the instructions on this video. the only part that I couldn't get working was the relationships part at 15:25. When the parent npc automatically shows up. On mine it just shows NONE and the relationship doesn't even show up in the table. As shown here:




I have no idea what to do from here. Can I get some help?

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The problem is that the ID for my NPC is not in the list, I think i screwed up with the screenshot but what is actually happening is that there is NONE in the Parent NPC slot and Player is in the Child NPC Slot


just underlined to signify key points :smile:


EDIT: Nevermind, got follower to work

Edited by archerassassin8
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Hey ArcherAssassin,


If the seam is bad, it could be because the body textures you're using are not good with the meshes being used (like if you were using textures meant for UNP but the meshes were CBBE) or it could be that the textures need to be blended to match better.


Just do some searches on how to fix the problem. It may take you a few sites but I'm sure you'll find the answer somewhere.



Good luck to you,



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  • 6 months later...

If someone falls on this topic to have an answer, because his custom NPC is not showing up in the Parent NPC tab, here is the fix (because nobody did answer here, even if the problem was solved...)


Just tick the "unique" checkbox at the left of the Actor box, under "ID", "name" and "short name".


Sorry for the up, but i think it will be better like this.

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  • 3 months later...

If someone falls on this topic to have an answer, because his custom NPC is not showing up in the Parent NPC tab, here is the fix (because nobody did answer here, even if the problem was solved...)


Just tick the "unique" checkbox at the left of the Actor box, under "ID", "name" and "short name".


Sorry for the up, but i think it will be better like this.


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