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Flags of our Foul-Ups glitch


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I've exhausted my ability to research this glitch without seeking assistance.

I've read here that there's a glitch where Mags won't speak to you for whatever reason, and pushing her so she has to walk back to her spot or reloading an autosave should fix it.


I passed the guns check, I then tried the explosives part, but failed that, so I came back later after I got my explosives skill higher. I told her that I want to try again, so she lined them all up and now she won't enter a conversation.

All four of them are there, and I've tried pushing all of them, so they're all lined up as far as I can tell.

I also tried reloading from autosave and exiting the game and reloading it.

I also tried leaving the area and coming back later, but they were all still standing there waiting.


Is there anything that can be done to fix this glitch? Any console commands I can use?

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Sorry for the double-post.


Is that the only solution anyone knows of for this problem? I don't understand why I would be the only one who has ever had this problem and can't fix it.


Another solution I tried was punching one of them a couple of times until they turn hostile, then unequipping my fists so they stop being hostile, but that didn't help either.

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