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BBB Help


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OK i really want to install BBB But i don't know all the mods i need to install, that will compliment and work perfectly with no conflicts.


I need a complete list of BBB itself and all textures, meshes, and anything else i will need to get the most out of it.


I have obmm and obse.


I know this is probably a tall order and i appreciate and thank u for any and all help.

Edited by Dfire87
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To have BBB work in the game you need a skeleton, body, clothes/armor and animations that are all compatible with the BBB system. My own setup uses Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton and Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB version 1.12. I have fore's NoMaaM Animation Replacer (linked above in fore's post, and highly recommended) augmented by various walks installed to some individual NPCs using the Construction Set (as opposed to Sensual Walks for Female NPCs linked above) and a plethora of BBB enabled clothing and armor (for those ladies who haven't 'misplaced' their inventory). If you install Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB you won't need to install Coronerra's skeleton separately, but you will need Timeslip's Oblivion Mod Manager to install the omod (and either chose the 'No Animations' option or install fore's NoMaaM AFTER you've installed Rivelle's HGEC Body). Edited by Striker879
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Thanks a million for all the help.. With your guys help my confusion level held around 10% instead of like 95%....


Again Thank You!



ok i got it all to work and now onto the armor..


is there a full package of armor and cloths that are omod ready that i can download instead of 1 by 1?

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Not that I'm aware of. There are some mods, like the Apachii Goddess Store that compile a large selection of clothes or armor into one esp slot, but on the flip side you wind up installing a lot of stuff that you may not like or use.


A couple of things to keep in mind while looking through the vast array of clothing and armor mods available. First, the clothing or armor you put on your character or an NPC becomes that part of their body that it covers (i.e. greaves become the character's legs). That's why it's important to make sure whatever your installing is compatible with the body you've installed (and here I'm talking compatible textures ... bust size doesn't matter as if for example your character is H-cup when naked, she'll be a B-cup if you put on a B-cup shirt, but everything will look OK otherwise if the shirt is designed for HGEC and your character is HGEC). That can be used to your advantage if you want a little variety in the NPCs.


Secondly the clothes and armor can be of one of two types, replacers or unique. If for example you install all of Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock then all of the womens clothing will be changed to the BBB H-cup version (or if you only install say lowerclass03 then just anyone wearing the female version of the huntsman's vest will be changed). The alternative to replacers, what I've called unique types, don't replace any of the vanilla resources but add extra content to the game, either freely available or for sale. Your character or a companion character that has a share menu can easily use these extra clothes or armor, but there isn't any vanilla game method of getting those items into an NPC's inventory (you can however use the console, or download mods to get them used).

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