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Pink Screen


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Hey all. So, heres the thing. I got a mod which needed archiveinvalidation, so I got the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated mod, did what it said to do to install, and ran the game.


Pink screen of death. CTD.


I tried removing the archiveinvalidation.txt and changing the fallout_default.ini file back to the way it was before and ran the game again.


Pink screen of death. CTD.


I download FOMM because I read somewhere that it helps with this. Ran the game again.


You know what happened.



I need some help with this, and I don't really want to reinstall, because it took about 2 weeks to the first time. Also, I don't think it is a problem with loading slow and bad quality, because I had almost perfect fps with high detail. Also, I started a new topic because the other ones weren't really the same.


EDIT: Nevermind, got it working again (thanks to ViralDust)


The moral of the story is 'always make sure the fallout.ini, falloutprefs.ini and fallout_default.ini are exactly the same'

Edited by billyro
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