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Signs that you have been modding to much.


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Are you modding more than you are playing the game? If so I feel for you. This topic is to express what signs you have come across the indicate to much time spent on the GECK.


My signs:


1.) When my character fell and got two crippled legs, I pushed Ctrl + Z to undo my previous action. Not realizing that I was no longer in the GECK.


2.) I don't really see Oblivion, FO3, or FNV as games anymore. I just see them as a system with 1000s of placed objects and lifeless NPCs. Playing it doesn't feel the same as it used to, but I can't stop the MODDING!! :facepalm:


What have I become!!!

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Number 2, I am the EXACT same way. Whenever things happen in game, I always think "Oh, I know the script they used for that, or Oh, I just walked through a trigger!"


Anyways, when I woke up the other morning, I searched for the "Shift" key so I could move -_-




EDIT: ABVXYzackattack, watch the language please.

Edited by falloutperson416
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Actually, my signs would be, and I swear I'm not making these up:


3) You see an Italian renaissance painting and the first thought that comes to mind is, "I'm totally pointing this one out in the next thread about how narrow chins and bullet shaped faces are Anime."


4) You realize you've been staring at some stranger woman, and actually the only thought was comparing real faces with the default Bethesda head. (Yeah, I know, I'm looking at women's FACES. I must have become gay;))


5) A co-worker comes wearing a new suit, and the first thought is whether that material would look decent as a texture in a suits mod.


6) ... and the second thought is, "and I should use that tie colour in that suits mod too."


7) You get the most powerful rifle in the game, and the first thought that comes to mind is, "hmm... I bet the bolt goes far enough back to use the animation for a 20mm rifle."


8) ... and then you save, exit, and go measure it in NifSkope. Yep, looks like a 20x72mm round would fit just right if I replace the barrel, bolt and clip :P (Haven't actually made it yet, though.)


9) A much more important question than "plastic or paper?" is "plastic or wood?" (Whoever followed any talk about Fallout gun lore will get it.)


10) The first thought after getting a new game, say, The Witcher 2, and playing for like 15 minutes, isn't "What's with the dragon?" but "So, anyone figured out the 3d mesh format? Can I make an Epix blade for it yet?" Bonus points if it's not even for combat centered games, but, say, for The Sims Medieval. (Yep, was one of my first questions on a TSM board.)


11) You're more interested in how compatible will be the .nif format and skeleton used in and upcoming game like Skyrim than, for example, what the story will be about.


12) You've actually spent a vacation or sick leave modding.

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Suddenly I don't feel like such a weirdo 8) . Thanks guys.


I have another good example: This occurred when I was playing FO3 on the PS3. After months of adapting to the faulty engine running the game I had gotten quite used to glitching. I was in the Dunwich building (Which is supposed to be haunted according to the strategy guide). A door opened by itself (Because the building is haunted) , it didn't scare me. I immediately dismissed it as a glitch!


Why do we keep modding!!?? Look what it has done to us!!


I hope Skyrim will be a little less stale, and lifeless.

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Was working on a code block for my thesis (using C)... Went to compile and it was full of errors... Couldn't find a problem with it until I came back to it 30min later and realized I had used to GameBryo scripting syntax throughout pretty much the entire code block.


if ...
set a to b


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