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survival mode/settlement raids


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alright, ive been in between places to live and my machines been in a friends closet for pushing a month so im not as up to date as id like to be, so forgive my question if the answer is common knowledge and the mod request i suppose would be ignore status as well...


with survival modes overhaul forthcoming, ive been pretty damned excited at the thoroughness that has seemingly been implemented. the focal point of this post is fast travel and how settlement raids are going to be handled with it disabled. i (before the techinal homelesness and absence of my pc and game) refused to fast travel unless via immersive gameplay mechanic (carrage/silt strider whathave you). in fallout 4 since nothing along these lines exist minus the vertabird, if you side with the brotherhood, which i didnt, my only option when a settlement is attacked is to ignore or rush all the way across the map. which is stupid.


so the actual question is has bethesda adressed the absence of a means for your average player that does fast travel, to get to their settlements to defend them? theres a good chance they have and i missed it.


if however they have not, ive been day dreaming of a possible solution. ready? no? good. who remembers the skyrim mod that allowed you to take control of a follower and play as them. i did a quick search on the TESV nexus and couldnt find it but i know its there... anyway with that mechanic in mind, imagine a radio being given to an appointed npc who could be, say the "head of security" or something along those lines, for whatever settlements you have developed,. you in turn would carry a radio of your own in your inventory, and when attacked you recieve the standard message stating as much. then you respond or ignore. upon acknowledging the attack, you would enter a load screen, and when finished, you would be in control of the head of security npc you assigned for the duration of the fight. when done... call back your protagonist vault dweller and resume going about your business.


who knows. could be some other interesting applications for general settlement management, or fixing that thing you meant to move over two modpos x-1s before you f*#@ing forget again or whathaveyou.


theres my idea. i know a thing or two about the ck and would love trying to go about this myself, but honestly am not prepared to figure scripting out/ im sure someone else would execute way better than i could.


sound fun? k


please and thanx



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