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Crash whenever I reload a save

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Hi, I'm having this problem with Oblivion that whenever I reload a save of mine, the game instantly crashes. When I launch the game upon startup I can load a save and enter the game just fine, however when I try to load up another save whilst in game it instantly crashes.

I do not think any of the mods nor plugins I have are causing the problem as I deactivated all my mods and reloaded a save and it still came out with the same result. I also deleted some of my files to see if it would fix the problem, but of course like I said, it came out with the same result.

Anyone know a fix around this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this problem too. I have 200+ mods and when I load a save at first it works fine, but if I load a save while playing it crashes. Reloading after dying works fine, though.


I ran oblivion without the mods and it stopped crashing. Is it a memory overload? What can I do?

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Do the saves load fine when you restart the game (that's a habit I have gotten into, as then the game loads the save on a fresh memory).

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From the desktop is what I meant. I got into the habit after some stuff I read way back on Wrye Musings. I run on an old machine with only 2 GB RAM, so everything I can do to help helps.

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Sorry, but I'm the wrong guy for that. As I said I have done the reload from desktop thing for a long time now.


I believe that Oblivion Reloaded plus Oblivion Stutter Remover have memory management options, but I have no experience with either. I save fairly frequently, don't overwrite saves, NEVER use quicksave (a known corrupter of save files) and have turned off all autosaves in Oblivion.ini (though that has more to do with crash prevention than save health). Gaming sessions between loads usually last from 1.5 to 3 hours (more frequently closer to 1.5 and sometimes less than the hour and a half) with a 150-ish size mod load list and a couple of mod INI tweaks that are documented by their authors as "not recommended" (they do increase the likelyhood of a crash).


If you have a stable game (i.e. able to run 2 or 3 hours without crashing) then reloading from the desktop shouldn't be that great of a hardship ... just my opinion.

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