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Anyone else have a similar experience and if so, how did you handle it?

Best to avoid such inevitable conflicts by using the mod No Negative Affinity. By using that mod, your companions will remain friendly toward you. At least that is how I solved that potential problem.

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Well, I suppose I should have thought it over before going to Bunker Hill with Curie. I just have to plead non cumpus menus (basically, I didn't know what the hell I was doing as far as companions go - it was the first time I tried using one). But yeah, I found out that Curie is a bit too goodie two-shoes for my play style. He,he

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Well, I have never such problems. But I also always consider before which companion I take on which mission. And if I come into a battle with more as 1 faction I don´t use explosive weapons (except when enemy factions fight against each other like raider vs. supermutants as example). Mostly I go into close combat then, or just let them fight and then hack the remainders away. I know the problems in Bethesda games, but I enjoy it to much to have a Companion around me as to not take them with me.



Oh.. be my guest.. my opinion doesn't have to yours...everyone plays a game the way he/she likes, and all are good... I just hate companions myself, and always have. Probably always will..


Personally, i play fallout 4 with the war of the commonwealth mod on highest setting and that gives me some really heavy battles... I couldn't care less about the story or the Settlements... the companions, or all the building s#*!... the heavy fights are all i play this game for. And i don't want to take care of a companion as well.. they are going down every minute.. blocking elevator buttons.. etc...

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It was never my goal to question your opinion. It was my goal to give you tips, if wanted so that also players who tend to have such "accidents", can have fun with companions.

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Well, I finally got my courage up and went back to Sanctuary. Sure enough, Curie is still there and she's still naked. Took her on as a companion, gave her some clothes , then sent her to The Mechanist Lair. She can't get into too much trouble there, and might even meet a nice Mr. Handy. Hell, maybe I'll sent her Codsworth. He was following her around Sanctuary. He, he

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Anyone else have a similar experience and if so, how did you handle it?

Best to avoid such inevitable conflicts by using the mod No Negative Affinity. By using that mod, your companions will remain friendly toward you. At least that is how I solved that potential problem.




I have that mod... doesn't work that way... obviously.

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Dogmeat and Danse. I haven't really bothered with anyone else because they completely click with my preferred playstyle. This is the first game to lure me back into playing anything in a few years; my long-time MMO got shut down and I was just too upset to want to immerse myself in any game world for a while. In my last game, though, my favorite character was a blaster and my favorite partner with her was my husband's tank. With killer accuracy and good long range tactics, that's a pair that's downright unstoppable, and I've REALLY missed playing them.


For an AI, Danse is a damn good tank. Plus, he's got the noble, tragic backstory AND isn't a hypocrite. Plus, scenic. What's not to love? :) Besides, I'm a sucker for the nobly doomed. :) It's a real shame Bethesda cut the ending where either you or he could end up being the Elder. I tried the mod, but you can't apparently keep him as a companion after that. Le sigh.


Dogmeat, I discovered at the Red Rocket station at like level 3 and I've had him ever since. I ended up downloading a couple of the mods that let you interact more with him, and it's just a neat twist to the game.


That said, I could totally see why both of them would drive me crazy if I were a stealth player. It's just a matter of playstyle. I'm not a Leeroy type, but I do like me some tactically organized murder and mayhem, with lots of shooting and grenades.


I've tried out a couple of the others, and they don't click as well. I like Nick's personality, but he's on the squishy side, as is Deacon. The female companions seem to be both squishy and tailored to sneak play, plus they're no-gos as far as romance is concerned for me. While I like his personality, the thought of getting up close and personal with Hancock makes me shudder, and not in a good way. I don't click with any of the robots, although I do like Ada's personality. I almost wish I could schlep Josephine around -- talk about the female version of Marvin the Paranoid Android. :D


I'm going to try Preston out here soon, but I tend to think he's not going to be as durable as I want, either.


I have to give Beth this, though -- I've liked all the companion personalities, even if I don't click with them. Maybe I'm easily impressed, but hey, I'm glad to have fun. :)

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Preston is a nice companion for melee players, I think. He is a good sniper, but he is really bad in close combat fights. Aaand... I still need to figure out how I can push my friendship level with him. From his mindset he should be easy to push for me, but I have no luck with him besides doing the minuteman quests. If someone has figured out how to get him to the best friendship level without the Minuteman-Questline, I would like to know.


The problem with the minuteman questline for me is, that she is to short for me. Even with all the randomquests, she is not long enough for me to push with her all of my companions (with a good mindset) :|.

Edited by taryl80
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Anyone else have a similar experience and if so, how did you handle it?

Best to avoid such inevitable conflicts by using the mod No Negative Affinity. By using that mod, your companions will remain friendly toward you. At least that is how I solved that potential problem.




I have that mod... doesn't work that way... obviously.


You can set that mod to super affinity so that all actions will produce positive affinity. Wouldn't that be nice to use in real life for dates?

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