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Dwemer Automatron


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Hey everybody!

I just finished Fallout 4's Automatron DLC and couldn't help but imagine how cool something similar to the robot building mechanic would be with Dwemer machinery!


I have no idea if it's even technically possible but you could collect Dwemer scrap like screws and metal and all that junk from ruins or buy them from merchants and then take them to a workbench to build your own Dwemer sphere or spider or even Centurions.


There's a ton of talented people out there so I doubt coming up with a few new models for exchangable limbs and weaponry is a problem but as I said I don't know if Skyrim's engine allows for something this customizable.

Anyhow, what do you guys think?

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That's a shame. :( But it's good to hear it's possible! This was in no way meant as a request (despite being posted in this thread), I just wanted to put the idea out there. Obviously it wouldn't be as fleshed out and elaborate as the DLC but I thought it could be a fun quest type mod similar to the Dawnguard quest where you collect parts for the Dwarven crossbow. The exchangable arms or armor parts on your automaton wouldn't have to be super fancy either, just different shades or textures and whatnot. Similar to how you can put an Assaultron head on a Protectron body you could possibly put a Centurion head on a Dwarven sphere or something.

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There are actually a few of these. I think the first one was a mod called Dwemer Certified.




Another one would be Dwemer Artificer.




The last one I know of would be Build-A-Dwarven Army




There is also a mod called Space Wiking Dwemer Exoskeleton. It works really well with the Dwarven Power Armor mod.






There is even a really good Dwemer Race mod if you are interested.



Edited by Althurdiil
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