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The Legendary Wanderer Outfit


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So, this is only my second post. I had started another thread for a proposal for an improved look for the Mercenary Troublemaker Outfit, but then I decided why not pull together some ideas and show off a fresh concept? I have no experience making mods, but hopefully you guys will find my outfit concept interesting enough to try it. Here's what I had in mind.


To break it down, you're looking at one long near ankle length blue denim coat, one light armor breastplate, one brown leather flight jacket style undershirt, two metal light armor arm bracers, one pair of light sky blue cargo pants, one dingy tan scarf, one pair of shiny copper goggles with tinted blue/gray lenses, two light weight metal knee pads with black leather straps around the leg, two brown leather straps with buckles with attached light weight metal shoulder pads and frag grenades (3 per strap) along the abdomen, one leather belt with assorted pistol rounds across the waist, two dark boots with leather buckles and brown bottoms, and two dark gloves with metal accents and bolts along the knuckles.


Also, it would be even nicer if there were two versions of the scarf, one that covers the face and one that leaves it open. I haven't given much thought to the stats of the outfit itself, perhaps just make it identical to the Brotherhood's Recon Armor. The effects would be the following:


Small Guns + 8

Big Guns + 2

Melee + 5

Explosives + 5

Perception + 4

Charisma + 3


If you guys like this idea, I ask you to give it some thought, publicity, comments, whatever. Thanks for reading!

Edited by MasamuneZenith
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Did you make that concept yourself?


I like it!



( Its a good sign when I like things : ) )

No, I only put all the pieces together. I can't take credit for the actual design of the clothes and accessories, they were predrawn models used in a character generator called Hero Machine. Check it out! :woot:

Edited by MasamuneZenith
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