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Can you spot my mistake?


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My activator uses this script, but when I click the button in the message, nothing happens. Can anyone see why?


scn vMojaveExoressTravelActivatorSCRIPT


int iButton


begin onActivate

if This == vMEActivatorGoodspringsRef

showmessage vMojaveExpressTravellingMessageGoodsprings




begin GameMode

set iButton to GetButtonPressed

if iButton == 1

showMessage BigSalDead



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are you using geck PU? I highly suggest it.


if something is mistyped (like a REF it cant find, wrong script/quest variable, etc) it will tell you the line it has an issue with. Much easier to correct issues.


I'm not seeing any issues at a glance, but that doesnt mean it's finding everything it feels it needs to.

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For starters, posting the script in code tags (this button: http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/plugins/ipscode/images/code.png) with indentation would be a help. :smile:


As for your issue, is the button index in your script mapped correctly to the index of the button you're pressing? Remember that the button indices are zero-based; first button have an index of 0, etc.

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