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Need help editing this animation plugin


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I installed the [seductive idles animation - gloomfrost version] by zenman53186 with the [BBB while idle add-on] by glintshadow, as well as [NoMaaM BBB animation replacer] by fore. Everything works fine except for one glitch - horse riding idle pose. Instead of the horseback idle pose, my character will play the standing idle pose. When I disable the seductive idles animation plugin (.esp file) in oblivion launcher, everything works fine. I'd like to keep the seductive idles animation though, as the stand included looks much better than NoMaaM pack's. What the seductive idles gloomfrost version does is change both the player and all female NPCs' idle into a custom pose, that plays around 50% of the time. Could anyone tell me how I can edit the .esp file so it does not override the horseback pose?

By the way, the seductive idle pose is missing a lot of files. It's supposed to include 10 poses, but the file only includes 2, thus the script in TES construction set does not work as intended.

I've attached the files (both the .kf animation files and the .esp file), in case that is needed. Although there are 3 .kf animation files only one pose plays, not really a concern.

Thanks in advance, really appreciate any help on this! If this glitch is fixed the animation set would be perfect!

Edited by Heartcloud
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This is simply a bug zenman's mod. He has introduced these 2 new (seductive) idle animations, but has not added a check to prevent these idles while riding.


He has added the idles to an existing group of idles. But while those existing idles don't apply to the player (because there are additional checks like min distance from player, or being member of the beggar faction) there are no such check for seductive idles.


Maybe noone has run into that problem, because riding is not a widely used feature.

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Most easily. Open the .esp. Open Gampeplay -> Idle Animations. Find the group "LoiterIdles".

There are 2 animations defined, Seductive1 and Seductive2. For both simply add a condition "IsRidingHorse = 0".


But this only fixes the riding issue. This mini mod is induces more issues than adding features. Like you will never see a begging female in the game any more. And there are so many situations where you don't want to see seductive idles. I wouldn't use it for NPCs unless most of these unwanted situations are removed.


If you want to make it for your player then add a "GetIsId Player = 1" condition to the idles.

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If I remember correctly the gloomfrost version was specifically made for someone (gloomfrost) who only wanted those two idles from the complete set of idles (which explains where your 'missing' idles went). If you want the other idles that 'could' be included don't use the gloomfrost version. I personally use Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions which does play nice with fore's NoMaaM. I've tweaked my version of Personality Idles to include the idles your seeing from the gloomfrost version of Seductive and have used conditions to control who uses them and who doesn't (seductive beggars aren't on the top of my list).
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Ah thanks fore and Striker879. As for the personality idles isn't it more for RP, since you have to actually click spells in inventory to play the animations? I'm looking more for just a set of 2-3 idle poses for my character and most female NPCs. Thanks for the tip on creating the condition!

Another problem I'm having is the animation .esp's conflicting with each other. Right now I'm using the following:

- fore's NoMaaM animations, I replaced a few animations from the following:

- Pretty Woman entire set (walk, run, one/two hand combat idle stance)

- Stylish jump (jump up and landing)

- Natural Walks (de-activated and I think the poses have been overwritten by pretty woman)

I dragged pretty woman's plugin to the bottom in OBMM's load order and these three works perfectly. However seductive idles gloomfrost won't work, no matter what load order I give it, it will still display pretty woman's idle.


Does anyone know how I can get these files to work with each other? Basically I'm trying to get this combination:

For player:

- Just Seductive Idle B (the file from BBB version, original zenman file didn't include this) for standing

- Pretty woman walks and runs

- Stylish jump for jumps

- fore's NoMaaM set for everything else


For high class female NPCs like royalty, imperial city residents, guild/university members etc:

- Combination of "gaze" and "praise" (these two are from original zenman's seductive idle pack)

- Natural Walk pack for walks and runs

- Stylish jump for jumps

- fore's NoMaaM set for everything else


For low class female NPCs and male NPCs:

- Vanilla idles

- Natural Walk pack for walks and runs

- Vanilla jumps

- fore's NoMaaM set for everything else


Sorry I have a bit of a mess here since I probably overwrote stuff that shouldn't have been overwritten or installed extra things. Thanks for any help!

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As for the personality idles isn't it more for RP, since you have to actually click spells in inventory to play the animations? I'm looking more for just a set of 2-3 idle poses for my character and most female NPCs. Thanks for the tip on creating the condition!

The Personality Idles I linked doesn't use spells to play the idles. It uses conditions (like the example fore gave for customizing the gloomfrost idles) one of which makes it so that even if all other conditions are met any given idle won't play every time. Try it, I think you will be pleased with the difference it makes with the various NPCs you meet. It's not intended for the player character ... other mods are required for that (I play 1st person view exclusively so don't have any need for those type of mods ... someone else may be able to give you suggestions there).

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As for the personality idles isn't it more for RP, since you have to actually click spells in inventory to play the animations? I'm looking more for just a set of 2-3 idle poses for my character and most female NPCs. Thanks for the tip on creating the condition!

The Personality Idles I linked doesn't use spells to play the idles. It uses conditions (like the example fore gave for customizing the gloomfrost idles) one of which makes it so that even if all other conditions are met any given idle won't play every time. Try it, I think you will be pleased with the difference it makes with the various NPCs you meet. It's not intended for the player character ... other mods are required for that (I play 1st person view exclusively so don't have any need for those type of mods ... someone else may be able to give you suggestions there).

Ah ok thanks. I'll try that one as soon as I figure out why my standing idle anim is so messed up.... >__<

I'm having trouble with how the standing idle anim works... and this is driving me complete nuts. I'm using the Pretty Woman set, all the anims that came with it are extracted to mesh/character\_male\specialanims. Everything works perfectly (kudos to amsterdam2019 for the super cute walks). Then I tried to rename "seductiveidleb.kf" to "idle.kf", then replace the "idle.kf" in Pretty Woman (thanks to ABitTasty for this idea!), theoretically that's supposed to work as I didn't change anything. But all the other poses, walks and runs and turns, work fine except for one thing, the replaced idle pose now simply refuses to play most of the time! Instead the game will play the idle.kf pose from mesh\character\male (which is the vanilla standing pose used by NPCs, BBB'd by fore's NoMaaM set)? Sometimes it will play briefly (it will play if I leave my character motionless in the vanilla idle for like 30 seconds), but the moment my character does any action (talk to NPC, take out weapon, etc) and then resume idle stance, it will revert back to the BBB'd vanilla pose >_<. I actually got it working once. but after I quit the game and restarted, it didn't work ever since =/ I have no idea how this can happen as I thought .kf is just an animation file containing no behavior scripts, yet when I change the animation somehow the game decides to pick up the idle from a completely different folder.

Does anyone know what's wrong?



After waiting 30 seconds, the right pose finally plays, it will stay in this pose until I do any action (talk to NPC, take out weapon, enter door, etc):




... which then results in this pose for another 30 seconds:


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Then I tried to rename "seductiveidleb.kf" to "idle.kf", then replace the "idle.kf" in Pretty Woman (thanks to ABitTasty for this idea!), theoretically that's supposed to work as I didn't change anything. But all the other poses, walks and runs and turns, work fine except for one thing, the replaced idle pose now simply refuses to play most of the time!

Hmm ... I agree that is curious. I use the same sort of tricks when I'm customizing Personality Idles, along with editing the esp to add more idles and conditions. If you're comfortable with using the Construction Set you could have a look in Pretty Woman and see what, if any, conditions are set for idle.kf (it could be it's not supposed to run every time).

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Then I tried to rename "seductiveidleb.kf" to "idle.kf", then replace the "idle.kf" in Pretty Woman (thanks to ABitTasty for this idea!), theoretically that's supposed to work as I didn't change anything. But all the other poses, walks and runs and turns, work fine except for one thing, the replaced idle pose now simply refuses to play most of the time!

Hmm ... I agree that is curious. I use the same sort of tricks when I'm customizing Personality Idles, along with editing the esp to add more idles and conditions. If you're comfortable with using the Construction Set you could have a look in Pretty Woman and see what, if any, conditions are set for idle.kf (it could be it's not supposed to run every time).

I tried to check in construction set, but under "LoiterIdle" there's nothing pertaining to the character. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with "UniqueIdleAnims" section, didn't mess with that yet. And the weird thing is, if I use the Pretty Woman idle.kf, it works perfectly. But another animation with the exact same file name won't. >_< I'm starting to think the .esp has some kind of animation or file size detector o_O




If possible, could you please check for me? Thanks in advance.

Edited by Heartcloud
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