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Save my Savegame, you have Daugthers of Ares? Share your last Backup!


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With all my respect to the Creator of Dauthers of Ares, I know it's not correct to ask for this but ive been a big fan of Dauthers of Ares mod for a long time and im doing my
Last Run on Fallout New Vegas before I move on with my life.

My intentions are not to break any rule or disrispect the creator of thes wonderful mod but im trapped between this situation.

..I left a lvl 33 character on stall for many months due to many responsabilities in my life but now I have the oportunity to finish this game for the last time.... but can't use the Savegame beause it had Daugthers of Ares as a Body. (my character start stuck buried on the ground and no body, no pipboy, nothing)

Any one willing to share his mod backup of the Daugthers of Ares on his Nexus Mod

manager folder? i'll be greatly honored and thankfull if you could help me recover my Savegame.






I attached my Savegame if it could be used to solve this sad situation.


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The mod was taken down for some reason. And no, we can't share it with you without the permission of the original creator.


This is why a) you should back up important files, including mods, and b) never get too attached to your save file. Start over, make different choices, have a fresh experience. It doesn't hurt.

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