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Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized wtih OBMM


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Hi. I activated Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized using OBMM, and it doesn't appear to be working in the game. OBMM shows a successful activation, but I don't believe anything has changed in the game.


Another clue that something is not right is that I just read that activating it supposedly brings up a selection menu where you choose a few settings... and that didn't happen either.


Is the redimized version a complete standalone version of the mod, or is it like a patch, and I need the 'regular' version installed as well?


According to the description, it's everything you need... yet I see the word 'patch' in some descriptions on other sites.


Can anyone clear this up?


I've got the latest OBMM, and OBSE installed. I also have BOSS, and ran it.


Also, some descriptions/documentation say you just treat it like a regular mod in OBMM.... Make the omod file and activate... whereas others say I'm supposed to put the texture folder (in the mod's folder) into my install's texture folder. Not sure which instructions to follow here. Also odd... there doesn't seem to be much in the texture folders of the mod (...I'd assume there would be tons of files).


No errors or weirdness.. just the texture pack seemingly not showing up in the game itself.

Edited by ladlon
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Hrmmm.... Looks like it may be a patch as I suspected. The regular one is over a gig! (...compared to the 10 megs or so of the redimized one).


Could someone still confirm that I am supposed to load the regular (1 gig) one, then patch it with the redimized version? I'm assuming both are to be done in OBMM as if they were two separate mods?

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There are several varieties of QTP3, regular could mean the original. Redimized is another version of that. So, to be clear, download both files from here and install them. The smaller file is just a patch.
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Thanks, Omletted... Ya, that's where I got the redimized one that I have installed now (and doesn't appear to do anything). Now, it's obvious to me that this is just a patch, and I need the 'regular' version (...unless there's some non-patch redimized version, but I can't see one).


Why I got confused is that at the bottom of the redimized page (which is the same as the one on the link you gave me), it says you don't need the original package. That's why I only downloaded that one and tried to install it.


So, the non-patch version that I need to install first would be 'Qarl's Texture Pack 3' (no 'redimized' in the title), right? Then install this redimized patch?

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Wow, I'm glad you directed me to the correct file there before I downloaded that beast!


Ya, I was looking to see if there was a redimized 'base' install on Planet Elder Scrolls, but there didn't seem to be one, so I figured there was only the regular one.


Kooky stuff, man....


Hulk understand now....



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The download finished, and I tried opening the zip... and I get a sytem error (can't open).


A few weeks ago, before switching to my new internet/phone provider, I'd be UBER pissed... (Seeing as this is a 1.7 gig download).


Now that I am with the new provider, and have a 300gig/month cap (as opposed to 25, and a questionable monitoring system), it's just a mild annoyance.


Still... argh.


I guess that's a corrupted file or something? It came through as 1.7gigs... just gives me an error when I try and open it.


Anything I can try, or do I try and download that puppy again?


UPDATE: Jinkies.... Okay, so just on a whim, I tried doing a Right Click -> Extract Here (rather than double clicking on the zip), and it seems to have worked. Emphasis on SEEMS! I have no idea if all the files are there, or if any are corrupt... but it went through the process and made the files without protest. I guess all I can do is look for obvious zero byte files (...although, in this day and age, I wouldn't be surprised if some files were zero bytes). Do I risk making a omod? Do I risk my precious house of cards?! (This whole mod install thing is tenser than exploring the Oblivion dungeons with 1/4 health....!)

Edited by ladlon
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Ouch, hate it when that happens to me. Would help do a CRC check and compare with your file, but I no longer have the original archive. I packed both the main download and patch together long ago.
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No worries... It seems to have worked. The extract here method took a while, but worked.


Then when I was creating the omod file in OBMM, the status bar froze for quite some time... A few moments where things seemed crashed... but then it suddenly popped back to life, and activated (again, after a few heartstopping pauses).


Seems installed now. I still have to apply the patch... I wish I would have noticed that it should be applied (copied) into the main mod before all that. I thought it would just be created into an omod file as well and applied. I'm nervous about copying the files of the patch into my textures folder, as that does not allow for automatic removal (I'd assume). So, it seems like I'd have to copy the patch files into the main mod's texture folder, and THEN make that into an omod and apply... which means waiting through that long data crunching routine again.


I'll do that on a rainy day... as the mod supposedly works fine without it (aside from a few glitches/errors that aren't show stoppers).


A friend of mine downloaded and installed the regular v3, but I cautioned him that his machine might chug. Sounds like he did fine.... now I'm jealous! Hopefully, visually, there's not much difference between the regular and optimized version.

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Actually if the patch files are just replacing files with newer versions (no files added) I think OBMM will do just fine when and if you deactivate. It'll look for the file names and they'll be there, albeit new and improved since OBMM put them there, but my money is on OBMM doing just fine.
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