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Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized wtih OBMM


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You are beginning to find the reason I value my mistakes so highly. If you'd stumbled through your install the right way the first time think of all the good stuff you would have missed out on!! Thank for your generosity in sharing your errors ... I for one fully realize their value.


Some amount of tiling and stuttering is unavoidable, and it sounds like you're getting a good vanilla baseline for comparison. If you want to add to the complexity, throw in a few rounds of Oblivion Tweak guide experimentation. You do realize that at some point in time you're going to have to play the game (or maybe bben46 is right, and tweaking and mod shuffling IS the game).

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Hehe... Ya, I'm certainly learning a lot about OBMM, and modding installation in general!


I was expecting the stutter... sort of. I went with the redimized version of Qarl first, thinking that the regular version might make my machine crawl. I may try and revisit it again. Although, I don't think it really installed before. With the regular version that I have now, you can easily see the difference, whereas with the redimized version, it didn't seem like anything changed. I know that the result should be less drastic than the regular one, but it didn't appear to change anything. So, another mystery to solve there.


Even so, the frame rate SEEMED to be holding pretty steady, but you would get a lot of frequent micro stutters, so I'm not sure if that's textures loading in, or what. Definitely doesn't seem to like when there are multiple creatures on the screen.


But, the main thing that I'm concerned about is the graphic glitches... The (seeming) grey shadow overlay, which looks low res and weird... and the sliding textures (the Battlefield 3 sandbag effect). Those are bad...


I tried turning off self-shading, as I thought the rocks couldn't handle the complexity of that or something... but that wasn't it.


Anybody have any experience with these issues, or any advice?



(As for playing the game, I tend to wander around and just do little micro outtings, going to a dungeon, having some fun, and often not even saving the progress. I haevn't been following the quests much. Actualy, one thing I tried recently was activating the god mode and managing to shut off the main portal, just to see what the rest of the game provides. I have no idea how you are supposed to survive inside the Oblivion gates realm... there were monsters waiting in line for me there, every step of the way! In my actual (really played, no god mode) game, I'm at the point where I haven't closed the portal yet. It's been a long time since I've played from my original save files (pre-GOTY), so I coudln't even remember what stuff I had done, what I was currently working on, etc. I totally forgot about the whole Oblivion gate realm! When I went in, I thought, oh, this is new! Then, I recognized it, and realized I was in there before... even inside the buildings... although (based on the save game) it doesn't look like I actually accomplished anything in there! Weird that there's no save games INSIDE that realm.)


Hey, Striker879... I see by your profile that you are Canadian! Is that so? Wow! I never thought I'd meet up with another Canadian on a forum. Always seems to be people from the US or other countries. Cool!


Happy Canada weekend, BTW! Shouldn't you be at some cottage, beer in hand, screaming like you are falling off a cliff? What the hell are we doing on this forum right now?!?! hehehe....


(I actually have a birthday coming up this week, so I'm hoping to do some screaming and such. My neighbours have been doing it almost every weekend, so I'm totally due...)

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Well happy upcoming birthday ladon from a fellow Canadian who spends a goodly amount of the summer at his sailboat, is currently trying to avoid the sunshine so he can see his laptop screen, has given up the consumption of wobbly pops (for the good of mankind) and who had an unintended dip a week ago and decided that it would probably be prudent to wait a couple of weeks for a repeat performance (the North Channel is not widely know for it's June swimability).


I remember my own first play through attempt. I had accepted all the defaults through the character generation and I may have progressed to level two by the time I arrived at Kvatch. After getting toasted to a crisp a few time right after entering the gate I decided a little research on character generation was in order. Thus the dark elf 'Striker' came into the world (I know ... not a very dark elfish name). Saving is possible while visiting the planes of Oblivion ... some might even suggest that it's preferable.


And a happy remainder of the Canada Day weekend to you too.

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Wow, you're a dark elf too, eh?! I chose it because I wanted to lean towards magic (but still be able to swing a sword when I screw up and allow the enemy in my face), plus use a bow. Being frustrated by getting over-encumbered every few minutes in my original (non-GOTY) run, this time around, I opted to stay light... favoring manuverablity over armour, which is working out well. Added bonus, which I discovered later... spells are degraded by armour... so another reason to go light.


Still, I'm already finding myself with several magical shirts and stuff that are too cool to throw away, yet inevitably end up as forgotter wardrobe weighing me down! And then all those damn scrolls and stones.... I really need to start using them as something other than an anchor on me!


But, even though the fresh start (new character) felt great, I then realized just how far my previous character had got, and started to cringe at the thought of having to do all that again to catch up. So, I fired up my last (old) save file, and am back with my original guy again (...although, without some of the mods it used, so I'm not sure if that'll kick me in the butt at some later stage). I may try installing MMM again (as I had it before in the pre-GOTY run), but I'm not keen on running into an enemy every 3 steps, though... and judging by how excrutiatingly difficult my peek into later levels appeared to be, I'm not sure it would be wise! I mean, seriously... how the heck did I acually survive more than 2 minutes in the Oblivion gate realm?! I must have dropped all my armour and items and was just running at top speed through the level!


Maybe I'll just continue to blast rats and crabs... let the villagers figure out how to close the portal...

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Ah, the joys of total freedom. On my second start I waited until I had the magic skills needed to craft some crafty spells before I started closing gates. My fav for those red skied places was paralyse 1 second, invisibility 2 seconds, fortify magicka 3 or 4 seconds and absorb health 2 or 3 seconds (not at my gameing box so I can't give the exact magnitudes). If there was more than one bad guy I'd go after the strongest and let the others gnaw on me all they wanted if they could find me (the absorb health helps keep you buffed and I have the Escutcheon of Chorrol from the Sins of the Father quest so the reflect damage softens them up a bit too and the fortify magicka lets you spam the spell to your heart's content). I'm one of those 100% completion freaks so that's an esential tool for closing 60 gates (not something on my agenda for the next playthrough). My initial reason for dark elf was the resist fire racial perk, but they do tend to give you the chance for a somewhat well rounded character. My current guy's double warrior limits him for levelling efficiently, so I'm doing quite a bit of research on character creation using custom classes for my next guy.
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Ya, I was generally just using thrown spells (fireballs, frost, lightningbolts) as well as healing myself and detecting life. I haven't explored most of the others, and am just starting to. I'm starting to use touch spells, for example. I'm digging the spells that take from the enemy, and give to you. I feel kind of stupid for ignoring those before! I also keep forgetting that I can go invisible (race trait) as well. Stuff like Silence, etc I've previously ignored too. I need to dive into those.


For enemy mages, I usually just run to them and quickly hack them with my glass dagger. Big monsters, I tend to just throw fireballs, lightning bolts, or frost spells... whatever seems appropriate. I'm definitely approaching battle one dimentionally. The stuff in Oblivion gate world all seem pretty resistant to that sort of thing, though! I'm usually not quick enough to be clever with counter-spells (silencing mages, etc).


My new guy seemed to get powerful spells (and regain mana) much better than my pre-GOTY guy. It was weird going back to my (more established) original guy. I can cast one spell, and that's it (then I have to wait for the mana to grow). My new guy gains mana really fast. Maybe it's the armour (...at least partially). I was wanting to get rid of my old guys armour (and embrace the 'go light, move fast' philosophy I've learned to appreciate), but he's got this great mythral type armour (light?) with almost each piece giving some sort of magical bonus. I also have a bunch of rings and robes that do the same... so it's hard to get rid of anything to lighten the load. I have a frost staff (not sure if it was one I found, or the one I had made), but I'm thinking of losing it.


Seems my old guy also was carrying a ton of alchemy stuff... all the equipment, plus tons of ingredients... all good, but also heavy! Argh, it's bad to have multiple interests! (Oddly enough, that is a frightningly accurate mirror to my own life!)


I need to get a pack mule, or a home. I thought I actually HAD one with my old character. Maybe I do. I just can't remember where! It's weird rejoinging the 'life' of a character you haven't played in a long while. I have totally forgotten what he's done, what he has, etc.

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