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Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized wtih OBMM


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Actually if the patch files are just replacing files with newer versions (no files added) I think OBMM will do just fine when and if you deactivate. It'll look for the file names and they'll be there, albeit new and improved since OBMM put them there, but my money is on OBMM doing just fine.


The logic seems sound... assuming the patch is (as you say) only modifying files that the original mod also modified... otherwise, that stratagy might be flawed.


I suppose I could back up the original files matching those in the patch.

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This brings me to one of my main reasons for preferring manual install. I unpack my download into a separate sub directory of my Oblivion Downloads folder so I can examine the mod's files and folder structure. That way I know beforehand what files, if any will be overwritten and I can make appropriate backups. OMODs you create yourself from the download archive can be checked out in a similar manner, but mods that come as premade OMODs with installation scripts are a bit more difficult to check out beforehand.
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I don't learn anything by doing things right ... so you're thinking maybe you're about to learn some new things??
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Whether it's half full or half empty, that glass of water you've been given will still quench the same amount of thirst ... and with that one I'd better stop before the guys come with that nice jacket with the long sleeves.
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Ya, those guys are great. Every few hours, they come in here and feed me yogurt...



(I...I've said too much...)


Okay, I'll let you guys know how the Q Texture thing goes when I patch it. I still can't really tell if the mod is working or not (in game), as I can't remember what the textures looked like before! I need to do screen grabs, go out, deactivate it, then do another screen grab to be sure... That's all fine, except I think even the activation/deactivation takes long enough that you could have a small lunch in the meantime.


I tried putting in the depth of field mod, but OBMM says it conflicts with something, and I'm not sure what options I have from there (aside from not installing it). I guess this is where WB might come in... I'll hold off on that then.

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If I'm remembering correctly, the Redimized version of Quarls doesn't make a huge difference, so you may need the screenshot method to see the changes (or maybe that was the Re-Redimized version). You get yogurt!!! That's it ... I'm asking for a transfer.
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Argh... I hope the change is worth it. Now I'm wondering if I should try the regular one, although the writeup states you need a 'really good' machine to run it... and I'm not sure where I lie in that realm. I'm running a dual core with a GTX460 graphics card... so, I suspect I'm kind of in the mid zone these days.


I'm actually getting an odd amount of draw in with this install (...I don't recall it being this bad with the non GOTY version), and oddly enough, this is a clean machine (relative to the previous install, which was done when the machine was rather cluttered, had O/S rot, etc... whereas this new install is on a machine that got a new drive, re-installed O/S, and only a few games/apps installed). It's not horrific draw in... but certainly there. I have to do a search for optization tips/patches. Maybe my previous install had patches/tweeks done to it that I can't remember.


The yogurt is great, but the thing is that sometimes you just don't feel like it, but you don't have that choice, so it's not always a good thing. I suppose that's where they put the test meds in. Worse, though, is that they routinely throw sponges at me, and hit me with wet towels. They're great guys and all, but it does make it difficult to get things done around here with all that distraction.


Alright, I have to deal with real world stuff today (non-Oblivion)... plus we got a special field trip today, where they are going to show us how raisins are made.

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Ya, they have to help me too (hard to hold that PB & jelly sammich when you've got the 'long sleeved shirt' on).


I think your machine certainly qualifies on graphics power, and Oblivion can't really take advantage of Core 2 Duo, never mind quad cores (here GHz is king). Have a look through Koroush Ghazi's excellent Oblivion Tweak Guide when you get back from your field trip. There are plenty of tricks in the advanced tweaking section ... do a few at a time and see if it helps. I get that 'draw in' on my machine (Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz & 8800GTS 640Mb ... formerly two of those SLIed but one died, sniff sniff), mostly noticeable in certain places (real noticeable distant pop up when you're headed to Skingrad from the IC and you round the corner at Greenmead Cave ... the distant 'wall of texture' popped even when I had the SLI working).


So you're saying there's downsides to the yogurt ... hmmm, maybe hold off on that transfer, unless the test meds are stellar that is. Don't tell me the raisin story, they're one of my staples and I wouldn't want to ruin it with TMI. Have fun in the sun.

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