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Character rooted to the ground


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This occur kinda randomly. My character got stuck but I can still move in first person mode, I can jump forward in third person mode too. Eventually when I switch to first person mode, the screen goes blue (and it's not blue screen of death) and become normal again when I switched back to third person mode but it's still stuck.


I remember it happens not long after I installed OBGE but I doubt OBGE is what caused this. I also doubt this has something to do with load order.

I use DMC Animation Replacer but no Deadly Reflex or Unnecessary Violence. Tried disable DMC but no luck.


Any ideas?

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When you say 'stuck' are you referring to stuck as in caught behind an obstacle, or unable to move even though your character is unobstructed? If it's the second option, are you still able to look around while stuck, or is it more a frozen in one place unable to look around?
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I meant as in unable to move even though my character is unobstructed. I'm still able to look around while stuck. I can still jump forward and get stuck again after I landed.
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It sounds like something is messing with either your walkforward.kf or walkfastforward.kf (depending if you are set to walk or run). Is it only the forward animations or also sideways and backwards? As you may surmise ... I've no idea at this point what may be the problem (i.e. clutching a straws hoping something may click either in my head or someone else's).
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Once I load the game, the character can run, walk, crouch, jump normally but at some point it just stuck to the ground. I tried running around wildly while tilting the camera up and down, left and right then jumping around while pressing 'R' again and again.. And finally it's stuck.


Oh, now my character can vanished too. Completely dissapear on third person view. I'm at loss.

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Did it start when you started using DMC Animation Replacer or had you been using DMC with no problems and then this started happening? What I'm thinking is that DMC replaced some animations, and when you disable DMC the animations aren't reset to original but DMC's esp isn't active either to make sense of the animation files.
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Actually it start happening like this when I installed OBGE, I haven't really touch any animation files in these few weeks asides from adding new weapons / armors that should not conflict with any animation files. DMC mod is there when I first do clean re-install and proved to be no problem up until now (I'm not even sure it's DMC problem but there is a possibility) I think I will reset all the animation files there when I got home. I hate it when it happened so randomly ~_~
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It does seem odd that DMC would just spontaneously start having problems for no reason, and why would a graphics extender affect animations?? Any time I've had problems with animations it's been because I installed or uninstalled a mod that affects animations. I've picked my brain clean on this one ... I'll keep following though so please post if you have any further developments.
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I removed all the animation files in _male folder and its subfolder including specialanims and idleanim folder, try the game again and it still...stuck. I also tried to remove OBGE and it still stuck. Both of my speculation failed.

I read around and stumbled upon archive invalidation thingie. I thought maybe something wrong with the mesh so I ..uh, click it and there! I think it replaces all my mesh =/

So I do another clean re-install... At least we know animation files and OBGE is *not* the problem. I even tried removing bloat from my save game, but it's not bloat problem since it happens to my new character too.

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