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Oblivion Start-Up Crash

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Will do ... keep updating your progress and results. Another thing that springs to mind is audio. Problems with audio drivers and codecs can cause problems. If you get to the stage where the game is installed but still crashing when you try to start it, open your oblivion.ini in Notepad (you'll find it in Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion ... don't edit the file oblivion_default.ini located in your game install directory) and find the following three entries: bDSoundHWAcceleration, bMusicEnabled and bSoundEnabled. Set all three to zero (i.e. bDSoundHWAcceleration=0). This will disable all sound for testing purposes. Yet another thing to try is temporarily disabling your antivirus (make sure you're disconnected from the internet first, and re-enable it before going back online). Edited by Striker879
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Striker879, I just tried your earlier suggestion and it did not work, I have no idea what is going on. I still need help! I installed it into the Games folder, and it didn't work. installed it into the Program Files/Bethseda Softworks folder and that didn't work either! Even if there is anyone else out there that has any idea as to what is going on, please help! I will try the audio. Edited by russellgates
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I lean heavily on Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide for troubleshooting info. The only things left from his guide to try are his TweakGuides Tweaking Companion[/url and [url=http://www.tweakguides.com/Graphics_1.html]Gamer's Graphics & Display Settings Guide coupled with his ATI Catalyst Tweak Guide. Have a look through his Oblivion Tweak Guide and see if anything I haven't thought of pops out. I use his Tweaking Companion on every machine I build, and I find his explanations clear and suggestions conservative.


If anything else comes to mind I'll pop back in with a suggestion.

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Koroush's Tweaking Companion is the first one to go through, but I'll admit it is a rather lengthy read. I have a copy printed off and highlighted to help make setting up a new machine a bit easier. Unfortunately I'm not at home for the summer and don't have access to that copy. I myself don't use all of the suggestions. If I get a chance later today I'll have a look through the online version and see if I can highlight some pointers for you.
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Lichko, just read this forum, and hopefully you'll be able to find some information. I was the one who set it up because I am having similar problems. If you have any comments, or suggestions, please post them, for I will check this forum regularly.
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@Lichko It would be better if you started your own thread, tagging onto someone else's thread is a good way to not be noticed. :whistling:


Starting your own thread is actually absolutely free and can be done by clicking the start new topic box. :thumbsup:

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  • 3 months later...
Hey everyone! Sorry about not responding a lot, college and everything. But, I figured out the crash way back in like June or July. All you have to do is go into where your Oblivion file in your Documnets Folder and then move them to another spot, then start the game and it should work. The game would re-write the folder with a new one, so it should fix that problem.
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