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Question about adding/replacing shoes in game


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I was wanting to install some shoe and clothing mods (like this one) but I keep seeing them designated to work primarily with acronyms like DMRA and alike. From what I understand these are modded bodytypes, but I'm really not interested in those.

Are they compatible with vanilla bodies or do they require the modded body types to work? :s I tried to install that mod in the link with only vanilla, but everyone seems to be having their feet cut off? Is there something I'm missing?


Just want to adorn my Tamriel citizens with nice shoes and clothing...


Thanks in advance! :)

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The DMRA ankle is slimmer than even regular HGEC ankles. Neph's shoes are designed for DMRA. The shoes that come with any HGEC replacer are designed to work with HGEC. Vanilla bodies don't use the same texture mapping as HGEC (and DMRA is a variant of HGEC in respect to texture mapping).


The way the game works is a piece of clothing/armor "becomes" the body part it covers. If that piece has any exposed skin areas you will see varying degrees of weirdness, depending on what part of the body is showing exposed skin (a glaring example is female "private parts" textures on thighs).


Even if you don't see texture mapping issues with the shoes, you will see a large mesh gap at the ankle (same as you will see a mesh gap if you use regular HGEC shoes on a DMRA body).


The vast majority of clothing/armor mods are for HGEC (for females) or Roberts male. Your choice is to go all in with those or stick with vanilla.

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