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NPC Packages


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Hey everyone, it's me again.

I promise this will be one of my last help-asking questions.

1 - I'd like to know, which AI package makes the npc wander outside in the town, not only in his/her house?

2 - How can I make that, the npc locks his/her house's door only in night, so when I enter at noon he/she don't start arguing at me to leave?

3 - My npcs don't use the waypoints I set to them. They can't go to bed and things like this. What shall I do?


Thanks in advance!



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You need not avoid asking questions here. There is so much to Oblivion modding that nobody ever learns it all and even revered experts have to ask questions about things outside their fields of expertise.


(1) AI packages are set to specific locations. Some common ones are editor location (where they are placed in the CS) or current location (where they have ended up because of other AI packages or events in the game.) So if you want to have your NPCs wander at a certain place in your town at a certain time, then you will need to create a custom AI package for them. They will have another AI package telling them to wander inside the house during a different time.


(3) Path-gridding points are not set to actors. Actors do not use particular path-gridding points. Ideally the whole exterior map and every interior cell has a carefully crafted path grid which resembles a huge net. The lines never cross obstacles including inclines that are too steep to climb. No points are inside objects, underground, or in the air. So if you path-grid your custom house right, and your bed is turned the proper way so that the human shape and green lines don't interfere with anything, then any actor you assign to sleep in that area or in that particular bed will be able to find it. Actors need to have an AI package that tells them when and where to go to bed.

Edited by David Brasher
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1, I tried what you said, but they still don't leave their house, maybe I have to place them outside? (I placed them in their house)

3, Hmm, so maybe the problem is, that I didn't use "f" on all of the marks, so some of them are a little bit above ground?

Anyway, thanks for replying and helping me, kudos for you is obvious. :wink:

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You can use a marker set outside (or use an existing one that's close to where you want them wandering) to get them wandering. Another alternative is have them sit for an hour on a bench outside and then use a wander current location package for the duration of the time you want them wandering. The way I figured out using wander packages was look a some of the ones set up in vanilla Oblivion (beggars are one example) and gradually I got my head around them. Your sleeping problem could be related to the beds not being set as a persistent reference (a lot of Bethesda's resources aren't set to persistent). Chairs and beds must be set to persistent for NPCs to use them. Look for the box for the tick mark when you have the bed or chair edit window open. It is a good idea to drop the pathgrid points to ground/floor level, but I doubt that's the root of your problem.
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