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Regarding BoS Ending


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I've played 3 out of 4 endings (Institute, BoS, and Railroad) and there is something that bothering me regarding the BoS ending.

From what I know, BoS is all about reserving technology. Why would they destroy the institute? I think the institute would be a good place to be the new BoS HQ. Don't you think it is better for the BoS to take over?

They hate synth sure, but why destroy everything? why not just stop the synth production and claim the place? Claiming the institute would make BoS even more powerful.

It's such a shame that a place with advance technology is destroyed.

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Strategically speaking, destroying the Institute quickly was perhaps a military priority. First, the Brotherhood had no way of knowing how many synths would appear from within the Institute to possibly overrun the attackers. Second, the Brotherhood did not just want to destroy any synths they could find they also wanted to destroy any means of creating them, which also included killing scientists and blowing up their laboratories.


With the Railroad it made more sense. The Railroad was not an army, they could not hold the Institute against all comers. Instead they chose to evacuate all of the synths and any civilians who did not fight back and then blew up the Institute. This way the surviving Institute scientists would no longer pose a threat - even if they gathered up any low gen synths and coursers that were not destroyed by the blast they would still not have access to the Institute's infrastructure which had gone a long way to making them a force to be feared. And they would certainly have different priorities than recapturing escaped synths. It would be like dropping a bunch of nerds into the desert with a few weapons and no internet and expecting them to make do.


Yet the Brotherhood was willing to just kill everyone, so why not just scrap any machinery they did not like and convert the Institute into a new Brotherhood Bunker? Well, then Bethesda would have had to do a little more work for another distinct ending (perish the thought).

Edited by CyrusAmell
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I feel the same way about several sites. A foundry, like I would let that repeatedly fall into raider hands. The public library, hospitals, schools, factories. The general automics galleria. Honestly that Preston fellow has rocks in his head, the Castle was his only good suggestion

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As said above, the Brotherhood isn't so much about preserving technology as it is about keeping technology out of the hands of people who they consider to be unworthy of it. Conversations with Maxson make it quite clear that that is his priority, so he'd rather destroy the Institute completely and not have any of its technology himself, than to risk it falling into the wrong hands. In the end, the only "right" hands in their eyes is the Brotherhood itself. More than in any other Fallout before this one however, you're meant to question the Brotherhood and its ideology. They're zealots and their logic obviously has plenty of flaws, they're just so obsessed with their own ideas that they don't really see them anymore. Every faction has pros and cons. The only ones that don't really have an obvious issue are the Minutemen, although you could argue that their flaw is that their organisation failed the first time around due to selfishness and incompent leadership and they aren't really making any major changes and just doing the same thing over again.

Edited by Wunderbot
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Well, as I've said before, WHAT technology? Other than synth humans, synth apes, and synth crows, the institute has a big fat zero technology to offer. They bluster about being oh, so technologically advanced, but actrually they fell behind even compared to other groups outside in every aspect except synth. Which is what happens historically when you go isolationist.


- Their computers run the same RobCo OS since from before the war, down to the same vulnerabilities. It's the same computers and terminal in a shinier case. Even the chips in the Gen 3 synth seem to be just a miniaturized version of what's in a Mr Handy. (No, really, it can just run a Miss Nanny's custom program.)


- Their laser weapons are actually WORSE than the pre-war ones.


- Their armour is worse than what a raider gang like the Rust Devils managed to come up with.


- In 210 years, they produced 1 (ONE!) strain of bigger mellons. Well, Dr Penske did something like that with far less resources, and without needing to murderize anyone.


- After 210 years, they can't even boost their reactor past pre-war output, without a pre-war gizmo. (Berillium being a neutron reflector, it would suggest a breeder reactor.) Nor apparently do they know how to just make a few more reactors to get the extra power that way.


- Their research into cyborgs has exactly one success to show, before it was discontinued.


- After about 100 years and hundreds of victims later, their FEV research didn't produce any cure, except for the one strain that Virgil created and used on himself. It won't cure the supermuties outside or anything.


- Their medical technology generally is about on par with what an ex-caravan guard with no formal education can do outside




So WHAT technology is the BOS missing by blowing them up? Seems to me like the only technology worth salvaging would have been the synths, but the BOS wants to kill all synths, so they're not gonna be interested in those.


Frankly, the only concern I have about nuking the institute is the earthquake that an underground thermonuclear exploxion would cause. Loss of technology? Meh, what technology?

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Yeah, teleportation is very useful for the BoS to scout and collect technology in the wasteland. Heck, if possible they can just teleport to the other chapter of BoS.

Even if there are no better technology, the bunker itself can be used as BoS main headquarter in Comoonwealth.

I don't how the prydwen works, but It can't fly (or float?) forever, can it?

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I am actually not really fond of other endings especially because they involve a nuclear detonation, which doesn't quite help the commonwealth in fact it makes life in commonwealth even more harder for next years given the fallout spread, even if it's an underground explosion, such blast surely will destabilize any settlement in several miles radius, not to mention mixed opinions on Brotherhood itself as commonwealth inhabitants aren't exactly happy to be in their presence at all. "You either are with the Brotherhood or against it." is something people would not accept only because Brotherhood gets rid of the Institute. Personally I consider the Institute not so bad simply because you are about to lead the Institute in your own way as Shaun suggests at the end. Although just between you and me I think that all endings are kind of half-assed.

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