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A proper Settlement UI


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since 20 minutes into the game, there are things missing in the UI regarding Settlements that drive me crazy and that i can't understand weren't implemented as early as alpha...

1.: A Button to "Force Snap"
Instead of trying for 5 minutes to get a part to snap, give us a button to press, which ignores all non-snap positions and jumps between snap points near the "cursor" location

2.: A Button to "Ignore Snap"
If you want to place 2 walls next to another, without snapping, press this button

3.: A proper rotation mode
Press a button, open pops a circle with a number, now you can change how many degrees you rotate your object with every button press

4.: Supply Line Info
Instead of having to manually count Food, Water and Population for each of your settlements in order to see if your network is balanced... just make a UI element that shows this stats ?

5.: Menu for handling jobs
talk to a settler to open a new menu. There you see each Settler, what jobs they have and what open jobs are remaining. You see someone how doesn't work ? just order him from the menu to work on station x.

Something like this would be my mod request... sadly i have no idea if this is even possible, but Bethesda is just failing in regards for UI since... Skyrim ?
What do you guys think ?

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1. Nope, since you don't have a mouse from which to deduce what you're trying to snap, and each object has more than one snap point. Just see 2.

2. Place Everywhere.

3. Place Everywhere.

4. They're displayed in your pipboy (not always accurate), and in the top UI in workshop mode.

5. Let's hope.


Hope this helps.

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