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Workshop DLC compatability


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So I opened up the esp in FO4Edit to see what conflicts existed between it and the various mods I have installed when I noticed something: a conflict between it and DLCRobot.esm. That's right, one Bethesda DLC is conflicting with another. Specifically, what appears to be the record listing possible attacks can hit your settlement. Automatron added two "Robot" attacks to the list, while Wasteland Workshop adds a child node, that from the looks of things records the attacker type when your settlement gets raided (probably for something related to the capture/arena mechanic).


Way to go, Bethesda.


Incidentally, the only incompatability it has with SK is the fact that SK removed the Neon and Cage categories (since they were just empty categories, I am assuming. Fixing it takes seconds in FO4Edit), and Wasteland Workshop adds 15 category menus (which will probably cause a lot of people to hit the cap, if they are using SK, since SK adds 70).

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SK = the mod Settlement Keywords. Though as mentioned, the keyword limit appears to be fixed. I forgot I could get the DLC already... I might have to use the work net to play with it tonight lol.

Also, that is a bit crazy they conflicted their own DLC. Hopefully its officially fixed asap, rather than relying on community patches, but either way.

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They actually fixed the cap? Color me absolutely shocked. Kinda eliminates the need for SK, which is nice since we can now have mod items sorted by mod, and not have 100+ item lists you have to scroll through.


SK = Settlement Keywords. We acronym the f*#@ out of things because people like to make long mod names, and we are too lazy to type it out. :D


Do you know if they fixed all keyword-related caps, or was it just the crafting menu one?

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The keyword limit should be increased to a 65k cap. That being said, I am unsure if it's already in or comes next. Easy to test by creating a mod with a bunch of menu entries with one item each.

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OK, how the hell does the garden plot work? I see nothing that would make it work anyway different from some wooden floor, whether it's the nif file, the record itself, the COBJ..

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At a guess, it's either somehow in the navmesh (don't know much about that stuff, but I consider it unlikely), the collision (even more unlikely), or the BSTriShape with "Dirt" in the string name. Personally, I think the last is the most likely, but that's not a very high bar. It's definitely either in the navmesh or the nif, unless they have a script running that handles it, but that sounds like a really bad way to do it.

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