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OBGEv3 causes game to malfunction


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Hi there, I have been running OBGEv2 for a long time and was very pleased. No stutters or performance problems (have a high-end pc).

Now I've seen that v3 came out, I wanted to install it. Unfortunatly, I am having serious trouble.

First, I deleted the OBGEv2 files like told in the ReadMe that comes with the OBGEv3 core package. When I thought everything (including shaders and godray sunglare fix) was installed correctly,

I launched the game, loaded a savegame and then Oblivion did a CTD.


I already spent 2 hours on trying to solve this, but no good. Next, I deleted the whole Data folder and did a complete fresh install of Oblivion with the 1.2_416 Official patch applied, game working fine. (No mods installed).


After that, I started tracing down when the problem occures, not after installing Wrye Bash or OBSE.

Things get bad after installing the Core package with the instructions of the ReadMe. After the core package is installed, I click the obse_loader.exe, it shows up a black screen and then disappears and nothing else happens.


Even after uninstalling both the core package and the shader standalone package, the game just won't start up anymore.

I also tried OBMM instead of Wrye Bash, doesn't help either.


Link to OBGE: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30054


I've seen people on Youtube already using it OBGEv3 and Liquid Water. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to alter something in Oblivion.ini?

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Did you do a clean save after uninstalling OBGEv2 and use that to test OBGEv3?


Edit: Have a look through the OBGE comments section. First page there's a similar problem, and the suggestion that turning off AA will solve the problem (I'm guessing forced AA in your video card control panel and in the game).

Edited by Striker879
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Nope, none of the tips in the comments solved it, neither did a savegame or changing settings in my control panel. The only thing is: I have a ASUS HD6970 with Catalyst control center,

and it gives lots of options. AA is set on 'let application decide' and slider is greyed out on 2x. So I don't think you can actually turn AA off. Although therer is another tab: AA mode, can be set on multi, adaptive or supersample AA.

And there is AF, which is set on 'let application decide'.

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If your set for 'let application decide' and AA is turned off in your Oblivion menu then AA should be off. The other tab should be set to none or disabled (I'm an NVIDIA guy myself, so I'm not familiar with the Catalyst control panel).


I wonder if you could have some registry issues from your previous install. One of the moderators here, bben46 posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a thorough and correct job done. Have a look and see if you can see anything that helps.

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Unfortunatly, the uninstall and reinstall guide doesn't work either. I already had CCleaner installed and tried it and it didn't report any error concerning the registry. I've set AA off in the 'Options' in the Oblivion Launcher, disabled screen effects, but still no effect. I am trying defragmenting though, which is atm going pretty slow. Hope this will be over soon.

And, do you think it might be of a difference if I install the core and shaders with OBMM instead of Bain, after defragmenting?

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I've no personal experience using BAIN, but my understanding is that it's the more robust option (especially regarding restoring the correct files when deactivating mods). I'm also not an OBGE user. Does it come as a premade OMOD or with a BAIN installation script? I'd go with whichever option it come with out of the box. Looking at the downloads page for it I see a version called OBGE Core - Retro as well as OBGE Core ... which are you trying and have you tried the other instead?
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Haven't tried the retro package, since it says: An alternative OBGEv3 core. It has the shader-hook disabled, thus provides more performance at the cost of not being able to run any custom shaders.

My rig is powerful enough, so I don't have to question performance.


Yes, since yesterday I use wrye bash and I find it better then OBMM because of better file restoring. The core and shader package contains a ReadMe with instructions to install with BAIN. I did exactly as the instructions told me, but it didn't work.

The package comes in .7z I believe, which can be placed in the Bash Installer folder for an easy install. When deactivating/uninstalling the packs, the files are actually removed, but there has to be one file that stays. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the same problem after

uninstalling the packages. The problem occures when the core or the shader package are installed.


Anyway, defragmenting is almost complete, and I'll install Oblivion again and see what will happen.

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When you're running CCleaner are you looking for and deleting all registry entries that refer to Oblivion or just looking to see if it reports any problems?
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I enabled all the items except 'Not used file extensions' and it gives no error related to Oblivion, OBMM or Wrye Bash. I'm going to give it another try since defragmenting is completed. I will then look at CCleaner what errors it could report.


Might it be usefull to post the OBGE and OBSE log?

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There may be some who could make heads or tails of the logs ... not sure I'd be in that group myself though. If the logs are long enclose each in ["spoiler"] your log here ["/spoiler"] tags (without the quote marks required here so that they show in this post).
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