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What level were you when you finished the main quest? Did you keep playing?


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Hi there, hoping for a range of answers here from anyone who'd like to share their experiences with finishing the game.


In case you're wondering why, I'm designing a quest mod that takes place after the main quest for some additional late game content. Getting some feedback from how this part of the game felt to other people could be really useful in making the quest work for everyone.


A couple of other things that I'd like to know is,

Did you still feel challenged by the game at this point?

Was there anything that felt missing to you in the higher levels?

Would you play a quest mod set after the end of the main quest? (assuming you liked the look of the quest).

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Personally around level 50 was when I finished it with 2 different characters.


The ending quests for me were so buggy and glitch filled that it entirely killed my interest in playing those characters any longer. Each time it took me about 4 hours messing with the console to get the ending teleportation sequence and synth child Shaun to work right which afterward leaves one feeling pretty disgusted with the the game design and characters.


It's frustrating to me that many quests are only available after the main quest is finished because I would prefer not to finish them unless they work smoother.

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It bringed me to lvl 50. Yet i almost stopped playing with this character since i've doon much tings and didn't knew what else to do.

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I'm at, like, level 80, and I just got into the Institute. Usually I like to do everything I can before I start playing the main storyline, which is a habit I picked up from previous Fallout titles, but from what I can tell, the game is made so you can rush through the main quest and then mess with sidequests, which is bonkers, to say the least. I'm probably gonna be level 100 or something when I finish the game proper, though I'm at the point where I don't care anymore, the plot is just so banal.


As for your quest, I wish you luck! Personally, with mods and everything being what they are, the game has been a breeze, but maybe survival mode will change that? I'm at a relatively high level, and literally anything new would interest me, the game has basically been reduced to a theft simulator. And as for post-Babby Shaun quests? I mean, as someone who isn't sure about wrapping up the story, I dunno if I would play the mod if one of the requisites was finishing the game, you know? Then again, I may be alone in that opinion. :tongue:

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Thankyou everyone for commenting so far, this has been really useful. I'd still love to hear from anyone else who wants to comment. Sorry for not giving a lot of individual replies but I don't want to taint the information I'm getting by getting my own opinions involved.


There's a lot of perspectives I hadn't really considered though which people have shared here. So it's already made some changes to my plans. Post-game may not even be the best place to set a quest mod but it's where the story I want to do makes the most sense so I'm going to stick with that. It's good to get some insight into how people approach the post-game material though.

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I was at level 55 when I finished the main quest, but as there were parts of the map that I hadn't visited and I was still enjoying playing, I carried on. I'm now up to level 81 and still enjoying myself.

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I didn't know there was anything to do after the main quest.. there is no indication that there is, and i wasn't inclined to play on searching.


Played close to 800 hours now, with a few characters, usually finishing the main quest around level 50. I find that Fallout 3 was still better than Fo4, atmosphere wise, but there are a few cool places in Fo4, like the Glowing sea, that makes it interesting. I really miss the metro tunnels, filled with Feral ghouls. i played as usual on highest difficulty, with wanderers edition limiting my options even more, and still this wasnt enough... You havent lived untill you turn a corner in a dimly lit metro tunnel and 200 feral ghouls scream, while you are low on ammo...;)


My overall idea is that Bethesda find console kiddies more important than PC gamers, which is a real shame. This is ofcource my personal opinion, but its like, i am already glad that during quests, there isn't a giant arrow pointing at a spot with a huge sign above it, saying: "Press this button here.." (L4D2 anyone ?..).

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