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Clothes/armor keep crashing my game


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For some reason my game is suddenly, randomly crashing whenever I equip random pieces of vanilla clothing or armor...


I have not installed any mods recently, and I am positive I have all correct meshes? please tell me what I may be doing wrong :(

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Hmm ... that's the reason I prefer to manually update everything, so I know what changes I did if I run into trouble. At this point for you I wouldn't suggest rolling back drivers or anything as you don't know when or if they've been updated. If it's only vanilla resources that cause the crash and you haven't recently added any mods it makes it more of a puzzler. Vanilla resources are loaded from the bsa, so missing meshes/textures shouldn't be an issue. I'd keep a log of exactly what pieces are causing the problem (if it's only happening occasionally you may not be realizing it's always a certain piece doing the crash). Perhaps that may lead to some way of narrowing down the possibilities.


The only other thing that springs to mind is possibly problems stemming from quicksaves and autosaves. Get into the habit of only doing manual saves and only load an autosave if necessary to avoid losing too much progress when you've not manual saved often enough. I used to have fairly frequent crashes, even after I stopped bringing my CM Partners along (mine were usually at cell transitions). I seldom get any crashes now that I exclusively use manual save (except for those rare occasions I've not saved recently and don't want to lose my progress). It will take awhile for the save file info to accumulate enough 'good data' over top the bad, but if that's the cause you should eventually see a difference.

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